Deadline Paper
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End Date

The Programme Committee for ERF 2015 solicits suggestions for Workshops and Sessions (deadline 15 Nov&#046; 2014)&#046; The following document should be used as a template&#046; It also indicates that European Robotics Forum is a networking event which should allow ample room for discussions&#046; Topic Groups working within the SPARC initiative are asked to use the same form&#046; Please send the form to ERF2015@eu&#8211;robotics&#046;net by 15 November 2014&#046;<br>If you are:<br>working in basic research, applied research, or in a company using robots, or producing robots or any robotics technologies including autonomous and cognitive systems which are considered for transportation, health, and many other applications;<br>a public or private investor in robotics R&amp;D, or considering expanding your existing range of products and services into robotics;<br>a stakeholder in regional, national, or European investments, technology transfer, to support strategic decisions in favour of the enormous economic potential for robotics expected within the next 10 years,<br>you should definitely consider to attend the major annual robotics networking event organised by euRobotics AISBL, in 2015 to be held in Vienna, Austria&#046;<br>