The fast advances of the wireless networks technologies in the last few years significantly impact the growth of ubiquitous networks and wireless applications. Wireless communications and networking technologies allow interconnections among various types of nodes ranging from humans to computers. Indeed, the heterogeneous characteristic of these ubiquitous connections brings forward the use of complex networks technologies and theories, which accentuates the attention on the advanced wireless networks researches in several related fields.<br>The International Conference on Advanced Wireless, Information, and Communication Technologies (AWICT 2015) aims to address the advances of the wireless networks technologies. AWICT provides a forum for the scientists to present their latest ideas and research results in the wireless fields. AWICT 2015 will include presentations of the contributed papers, poster sessions, and state–of–the–art lectures by the invited keynote speakers.<br>Original unpublished manuscripts, and not currently under review in another journal or conference, are solicited in relevant areas including, but not limited to, the following:<br>3G/4G wireless billing systems, GPRS billing, etc<br>Ad hoc and wireless sensors networks<br>Advances in satellite communication<br>AI Planning<br>Cloud computing and applications<br>Cluster computing and performance<br>Cognitive radio applications and spectrum management<br>Congestion and admission control<br>Cross–layer optimizations in wireless networks<br>Data warehouse and applications<br>Database and system security<br>Delay tolerant network<br>Design and analysis of wireless LAN/WAN<br>Disaster recovery<br>Distributed AI<br>End–to–end QoS<br>Energy awareness in communication systems<br>Expert Systems in All domains<br>Genetic Algorithms<br>Grid computing<br>Human–computer interaction<br>IA and information systems<br>ICT integration in education<br>Information and knowledge management<br>Information hiding and watermarking<br>Information technologies<br>Information theory/coding<br>Intelligent e–Learning<br>Intelligent Tutoring Systems<br>Internet and web applications<br>Internet of things (IoT)<br>Interoperability of heterogeneous wireless networks of different standards<br>Intrusion detection system<br>IP multimedia subsystems (IMS)<br>Mobile computing<br>Multimedia communication<br>Multimedia communications over wireless<br>Nanodevices, nanotechnology, and MEMS<br>Natural Language Processing<br>Network architectures and protocols<br>Neural network and fuzzy logic<br>QoS and mobility<br>QoS parsing, identification and control<br>QoS profiling and pricing<br>Quality evaluation metrics and methodologies; application–awar<br>Quality of cloud services and cloud computing<br>Radio communications systems<br>Radio resource management<br>Radio transmission technologies<br>RFID networks and protocols<br>RFID systems<br>Signal processing<br>survey papers on information and communication technology<br>Survey papers on wireless communication<br>Technology as a teaching strategy and learning style<br>Traffic engineering<br>Wireless intelligent networks<br>Wireless security system<br>
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