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Smart water management has become a key policy for the 21st century&#046;<br>Towards this direction, recent advances in ICT and Cyber Physical<br>Systems (CPS) are faced with the challenge of transitioning from<br>episodic sampling of water resources to truly pervasive, self&#8211;adaptive,<br>and fast&#8211;responsive architectures&#046; To yield pragmatic CPS solutions<br>tailored to the complexity of Water Networks (WN), numerous technical<br>and research challenges must be jointly addressed&#046; The front end of<br>sensing requires the support of smart, scalable and secure heterogeneous<br>network architectures, capable of robust, long&#8211;term, and unattended<br>operation in RF&#8211;harsh underground and underwater environments&#046;<br>Considering the massive volumes of information generated and the<br>necessity of timely failure detection, the necessity of transiting from<br>centralized to hierarchical and distributed approaches for data<br>processing, estimation, learning and storage intensifies&#046; In addition,<br>privacy preserving high&#8211;level data analytics is required to empower<br>end&#8211;users and allow highly interactive and real&#8211;time water treatment and<br>quality management&#046;<br>The objective of CySWater is to bring together researchers and<br>engineers from the fields of Communications, Networking, Processing, and<br>Learning and practitioners from the Water Industry to both share their<br>experiences, as well as formulate novel CPS paradigms that are tailored<br>to the needs of Smart Water Management&#046; Emphasis will be given to<br>CPS&#8211;based approaches targeted at the optimization of water treatment and<br>distribution for urban centers, promoting early&#8211;warning, situation<br>awareness and actionable intelligence&#046;<br>The multi&#8211;disciplinary nature of the proposed agenda attempts to<br>jointly address front&#8211;end sensing (e&#046;g&#046;, at water treatment plants,<br>water networks) with more abstract representations of information (e&#046;g&#046;,<br>user feedback on water quality)&#046; As such, CySWater aspires to serve as a<br>forum, where application&#8211;driven paradigms of CPS design are defined in<br>the context of joint industrial and urban environments&#046;<br>TOPICS OF INTEREST INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO:<br>1&#046; Acquisition, Processing, &amp; Learning:<br>* Hardware, infrastructure, &amp; smart devices, including alternatives on<br>power aspects (e&#046;g&#046;, energy harvesting);<br>* Signal sampling, distributed inference (e&#046;g&#046;, classification,<br>estimation, learning) &amp; anomaly detection in WN;<br>* Decentralized multi&#8211;sensor fusion &amp; data analytics&#046;<br>2&#046; Communications &amp; Networking:<br>* Underground &amp; underwater CPS;<br>* Mobile underground and underwater agents for large&#8211;scale CPS;<br>* Heterogeneous networks &amp; systems architecture;<br>* Networked control &amp; Cyber&#8211;Physical security for WN&#046;<br>3&#046; Analysis, Performance, &amp; Applications:<br>* Testbeds, simulations &amp; field studies;<br>* Performance, including energy efficiency, quality of service &amp;<br>quality of sensing;<br>* Standardization of CPS for smart WN&#046;<br>