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All tracks/topics are open to both research and industry contributions&#046;<br>Tracks:<br>INTER: Interfaces<br>Graphical user interfaces; Intelligent user interfaces; Adaptive user interfaces; Multi&#8211;modal user interfaces; Context&#8211;based interfaces; Virtual reality and 3D interfaces; Speech and natural language interfaces; Interfaces for collaborative systems; Interfaces for restricted environments; Internationalization and reflections of culture on interface design; Interfaces for disadvantaged users; Interface specification and design; Interface prototyping; Interface testing; Interface evaluation; Interface generators and other tools for developing interfaces; Data visualization; Visualization techniques; Interactive visualization<br>OUI: Organic user interfaces<br>Interface&#8211;oriented materials and devices; Physical and digital representation; Sensing and display technologies; Rollable and foldable displays with tactile properties; Skin&#8211;based input; Analog input interaction design; Flexible display technologies; Functional&#8211;based display forms; Flexible&#8211;computing and curve computer interactions; 3D continuous display interfaces<br>HAPTIC: Haptic interfaces<br>Fundamental of haptic interactions; Tangible user interfaces; Bidirectional information flow ; Haptography; Haptic feedback and control; Bodyware (embedded sensors; flexible structures, associative memories, actuation and power systems); Magnetic levitation haptic interfaces; Kinetic motion&#8211;based interaction; Kinetic motion and haptic design; Mindware (learning, adaptation, head&#8211;hand coordination, bimanual coordination; discovering affordance, interaction and imitation); Language of motion / Gesture annotation; Interfaces with kinetic properties; Sensor actuator design, development and evaluation; Linear haptic display; Fingertip haptic display; Pen based force display; High bandwidth force display; Quality of experience model for haptic interactions; Haptics rendering;<br>SYSTEMS: Interactive systems<br>Highly interactive systems; Intelligent agents and systems; Adaptive systems; Context&#8211;aware systems; Multi&#8211;user multi&#8211;interface systems; Collaborative systems; Computer&#8211;supported cooperative work; Distributed information spaces; Communicators and advisory systems; Interaction through wireless communication networks<br>DEVICES: Interaction devices<br>General input and output devices; Virtual reality input and output devices; Interaction devices for immersive environments; Shareable devices and services; Mobile devices and services; Pervasive devices and services; Small displays; Very large displays; Tangible user interfaces; Wearable computing; Interaction devices for disadvantaged users; Interaction devices for computer games<br>DESIGN &amp; EVAL: Interaction &amp; interface design &amp; evaluation<br>Interface metaphors; Interaction styles; Interaction paradigms; Requirements specification methods and tools; Analysis methods and tools; Design methods and tools; Evaluation paradigms; Evaluation methods and tools; Evaluation frameworks; Scenarios; Task analysis; Conceptual design; Physical design; Information architecture; Information design for websites; Guidelines and heuristics; Experience design; Environmental design; Ethnography; Contextual design; Service design;<br>MODELS: Principles, theories, and models<br>Cognitive models; Conceptual models; Mental models; Frameworks for cognition; Model&#8211;based design of interactive systems; Formal methods in human&#8211;computer interaction<br>USER: User modeling and user focus<br>Usability and user experience goals; User testing; User modeling; User profiling; Predictive models (e&#046;g&#046;, for user delay prediction); Human perceptible thresholds; User support systems; Psychological foundations for designing interactive system; Human information processing; Digital human modeling; Engineering psychology; Ergonomics; Hearing and haptics; Affective computing<br>PARADIGMS: Traditional and emerging paradigms<br>Interaction paradigms; Mobile computing; Wearable computing; Location&#8211;aware computing; Context&#8211;aware computing; Ubiquitous computing; Pervasive computing; Transparent computing; Attentive environments; Virtual reality; Augmented reality and tangible bits; Immersive environments; Human&#8211;based computation; Visual languages and environments; End&#8211;user programming; Hypermedia advances and applications; New visions of human&#8211;computer interaction<br>ACCESS: Usability and universal accessibility<br>Interaction and interface design for people with disabilities; Interaction and interface design for the young and the elderly; Universal access and usability; Usability engineering; Usability testing and evaluation; Usability and internationalization<br>HUM&#8211;ROBOTS: Human&#8211;robot interaction<br>Fundamentals of human&#8211;robot cooperation; Cognitive models of human&#8211;robot interaction; Adaptable autonomy and knowledge exchange; Autonomy and trust; Awareness and monitoring of humans; Task allocation and coordination; Human guided robot learning; User evaluations of robot performance; Metrics for human&#8211;robot interaction; Long&#8211;term interaction robotics; Health and personal care robotics; Social Robotics; Multi&#8211;modal human&#8211;robot communication; Robot intermediaries; Experiments and applications<br>HUM&#8211; AGENTS: Agents and human interaction<br>Principles of agent&#8211;to&#8211;human interaction; Models for human&#8211;agent interaction; Social persuasion in human&#8211;agent interaction; Designing for human&#8211;agent interaction; Socially intelligent agents and the human in the loop; Agents for human&#8211;human interaction; Agent&#8211;based human&#8211;computer&#8211;interaction; Human cooperation and agent&#8211;based interaction; Human interaction with autonomous agents Agent&#8211;based human&#8211;robot interaction; Human and artificial agents emotional interaction<br>SOCIAL: Social aspects of human&#8211;computer interaction<br>Societal implications of human&#8211;computer interactions; Social computing and software Online communities Weblogs and other community building tools Online support for discovery and creativity; Tool support for discovery and innovation Expressive and attentive interfaces and environments Affective aspects of human&#8211;computer interaction Emotional design<br>GAMES: Computer games and gaming<br>Computer game technology; Computer game engineering; Foundations of computer game design and development; Development processes and supporting tools; Management aspects of computer game development; Architectures and frameworks for computer games; Game&#8211;based training and simulation; Serious games; Multi&#8211;user games; Online games; Online gaming; Game theories; Audio, video and text in digital games; New computer games and case studies; Performance improvements in computer games; Social impact of games and gaming<br>EDUCATION: Human&#8211;computer interaction in education and training<br>Interactive systems for education and training; Online and communications support for education and training; Interfaces, interactions and systems for distance education; Software tools for courseware development and delivery; Collaborative systems for teaching, studying and learning; Handheld mobile devices for education and training; Advisory and recommendation systems Techniques and tools for information localization, retrieval &amp; storage; Web annotation systems; Case studies and applications<br>MED APPS: Applications in medicine<br>Interactive systems for medical applications; Interactive systems for telemedicine; Interactive systems for telehealth; Interactive systems for telepathology; Interactive systems for telecardiology; Interactive systems for telesurgery; Interactive personal medical devices; Digital imagery and visualization frameworks; Role of colors and color imaging in medicine; Multidimensional projections with application to medicine; Data mining and image retrieval techniques for medical applications; Imaging interfaces and navigation; Internet imaging localization, retrieval and archiving; Video techniques for medical images; Internet support for remote medicine; Computer&#8211;controlled communications for medical applications; Medical informatics; Software and devices for patient monitoring; Interactive software for therapy and recovery<br>TELECONF: Teleconferencing<br>Fundamentals for teleconferencing; Platforms for teleconferencing; Devices for teleconferencing; Videoconferencing, Web Conferencing; Performance in teleconference applications; Real&#8211;time aspects in teleconferencing; Privacy and security in teleconference applications; QoS/SLA for teleconferencing applications; Teleconferencing services; Business models for teleconferencing<br>APPLICATIONS: Other domain applications<br>Interactive interfaces and systems for scientific applications; Interactive interfaces and systems for engineering applications; Interactive interfaces and systems for business applications; Interactive interfaces and systems for activities in arts &amp; humanities; Interactive interfaces and systems for scientific research; Other applications of interactive interfaces and systems<br>