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The fifth International Conference on Energy Aware Computing Systems &amp; Applications(ICEAC) is a premier conference for technical forum for presentation of advances in all aspects of energy efficient computing&#046; This year, the conference extends the theme to bring additional focus on applications that can benefit from energy aware computing&#046; Submitted papers must represent original work, not announced, published, or presented before&#046; Papers accepted for presentation will be published in Conference Proceedings, and will be included in IEEE Xplore Digital Library&#046;<br>In each of the tracks, researchers can submit innovative research in the field, and can cover any of the following aspects:<br>A&#046; Mobile Systems and Applications<br>B&#046; Wireless Sensor Network Platforms and Applications<br>C&#046; MEMS Technology And Applications<br>D&#046; Big Data Processing Platforms and Applications<br>E&#046; Circuits<br>F&#046; Work in Progress<br>1) New Breakthrough Applications Benefiting from Energy Efficiency<br>Metrics for impact of energy saving on end user quality of experience<br>Design and Implementation of applications<br>New algorithms for data mining and analytics<br>2) Energy Aware Platform Architecture<br>System thermals, acoustics and power management features<br>Power delivery architectures<br>Energy efficient data center architectures<br>Green cloud computing<br>Energy aware networks<br>3) Energy Evaluation Tools<br>Methods and tools for forecasting, estimating, and validating power<br>Power workloads and benchmarks<br>Power simulation, emulation, and modeling techniques<br>System power measurements<br>4) Low Power Hardware Design<br>Low power logic, circuit and process technology design<br>Low power libraries<br>Techniques for on&#8211;die fine grain power management<br>On&#8211;die sensors and instrumentation<br>On&#8211; die power, thermal management and power delivery architectures<br>5) Energy Aware Software Design<br>Low power virtualization and software techniques<br>Low energy displays<br>Energy efficient networking<br>Energy efficient firmware organization<br>Energy aware resource management<br>