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CCGrid 2015 will have a focus on important and immediate issues that are significantly influencing all aspects of cluster, cloud and grid computing&#046; Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:<br>Applications: Applications of new computing concepts and platforms to real and complex problems in science, engineering, business, and society; User studies; Experiences with large&#8211;scale deployments, systems, or applications; Application&#8211;level security<br>Architecture: Design and use of emergent system architectures including but not limited to accelerators; Multicores; Security and reliability; High availability solutions<br>Autonomic Computing, Datacenters, and Advanced Cyberinfrastructure: Self&#8211;managed behavior, models and technologies; Autonomic paradigms and systems (control&#8211;based, bio&#8211;inspired, emergent, etc&#046;); Development, evaluation, and optimization of large&#8211;scale cloud, grid, and HPC architectures; Datacenter&#8211;level security<br>Cloud Computing: Software tools and techniques for clouds<br>Performance Modeling, Analysis, and Evaluation: Prediction of speed, time, energy, etc&#046;; Modeling and analysis; Monitoring and evaluation tools; Benchmarks and testbeds<br>Programming Models and Runtime Systems: Programming models, systems software and environments for cluster, cloud, and grid computing; Fault&#8211;tolerant systems, programs and algorithms; MapReduce model and implementation; programming and runtime optimizations for VM environments<br>Scheduling and Resource Management: Techniques to schedule jobs and resources on cluster, cloud, and grid computing platforms; SLA definition and enforcement<br>Storage and I/O: System design and optimization for data storage and processing in cluster and cloud environments<br>