The focus of modern computational and communication systems has been shifting from effectivesharing of well–protected, scarce, and expensive resources to large–scale information exchangeamong a plurality of users that communicate using protected mobile devices and sensors, whichcan be placed in potentially hostile environments. Additionally, integrated circuit synthesis andmanufacturing techniques are now complex and distributed with a number of potential securityvulnerabilities. Security has emerged as a metric of paramount importance. The scope of systemsecurity now includes, in addition to encrypted communication, properties such as privacy,anonymity, and trust. The starting and ending points for all system and application vulnerabilitiesand defense mechanisms are hardware. The initial impetus was provided by government agenciesand individual efforts, but recently a number of coordinated research projects have beenundertaken by essentially all hardware and system companies.<br>The IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (HOST) aimsto facilitate the rapid growth of hardware–based security research and development. HOST seeksoriginal contributions in the area of hardware and system security. Relevant research topics includetechniques, tools, design/test methods, architectures, circuits, and applications of secure hardware. HOST 2015 invites contributions that are related to, but not limited by, the following topics.<br>Hardware Trojan attacks and detection techniques<br>Hardware–based security primitives (PUFs, PPUFs, HRNG)<br>Security, privacy, and trust protocols using hardware security primitives<br>Trusted information flow<br>Trusted design using untrusted tools<br>Trusted manufacturing including split manufacturing<br>Remote integrated circuits enabling and disabling and IP watermarking<br>Undeniable hardware metering techniques<br>Techniques and metrics for hardware system data confidentiality and hardware design confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity<br>Reverse engineering and hardware obfuscation<br>Side–channel attacks and techniques for their prevention<br>Supply chain risks mitigation including counterfeit detection & avoidance<br>Hardware tampering attacks<br>Hardware authentication techniques<br>Hardware techniques that ensure software and/or system security<br>Trusted remote sensing and computing<br>Hardware attestation techniques<br>
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