Welcome to the ICL–GNSS event homesite. ICL–GNSS is an annual conference, held this year in Gothenburg, Sweden. The previous instances of ICL–GNSS took place in:<br>Helsinki, Finland (2014)<br>Turin, Italy (2013)<br>Munich (Starnberg), Germany (2012)<br>Tampere, Finland (2011)<br>Reliable navigation and positioning are becoming imperative in more and more applications for safety critical purposes, public services, and consumer products. A robust and continuously available localization solution is needed regardless of the specific environment or specific platform.<br>ICL–GNSS addresses the latest research on wireless and satellite–based positioning techniques to provide reliable, accurate, and low latency position information. It aims at inspiring the development of new design, implementation, test and evaluation methodologies for positioning platforms.<br>The conference will comprise technical session, poster sessions, invited keynotes, and a best paper award. The conference strongly emphasizes a quick turn–around time and high quality of the published papers.<br>The event is based on a balanced mixture of<br>world–class invited keynote presentations<br>contributed peer–reviewed papers<br>
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