Data has become a key asset in modern societies, economies, and governmental organizations. Big Data encompasses various kinds of complex and large scale information that are beyond the processing capabilities of conventional software and databases. Open Data on the other hand can make Big Data more useful and widely accessible. The combination of Open and Big data can benefit users, developers, companies and various kinds of organizations to carry out useful analysis of data pattern and trends, make intelligent decisions, and solve complex problems that can help societies and economies and speed up innovations.<br>The aim of the Open and Big Data conference (OBD 2015) is to promote the state of the art in scientific and practical research of open and big data and to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia, industry, and public sector in an effort to present their research work and share research and development ideas.<br>Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:<br>Challenges and opportunities in open and big data<br>Data models and architectures<br>Security, privacy, and trust<br>Data protection and integrity<br>Identity theft, data loss and leakage<br>Legal and ethical issues<br>Data analytics and metrics<br>Data representation and structures<br>Data management and processing<br>Data capturing and acquisition<br>Tools and technologies<br>QoS in open and big data<br>Social networks analysis<br>Data searching and mining<br>Visualisation of data<br>Personal data logging and quantified–self<br>Context–aware data<br>Personalisation of data<br>Data economics<br>Applications of open and big data<br>Open and linked data<br>Methodologies and use cases<br>Usability issues<br>Storages and network requirements<br>Network models and protocols<br>Open and big data in cloud and IoT<br>
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