The 2015 Signal Processing and SP Education Workshop (formerly known as the DSP/DSP Education Workshop) will be held August 9 – 12, 2015, at the beautiful Snowbird resort. Snowbird offers a variety of summer activities, such as the Alpine Slide, Aerial Tram rides, and alpine hiking, as well as easy access from Salt Lake City and its international airport. The conference will include a variety of plenaries and invited speakers from academic and industry discussing theory and implementation of signal processing topics.<br>The IEEE Signal Processing and SP Education Workshop is sponsored by the IEEE Signal Processing Society.<br>The workshop used to be known as the DSP/DSP Education Workshop, and has been held approximately every two years since 1984, as described below. It was most recently held in 2013 in Napa Valley, California. We invite you to submit your paper to the workshop and to join us at Snowbird in August 2015 to participate in the event.<br>Paper submissions on a variety of topics are invited, including the following:<br>o Computational Image Formation<br>o Computational Optics & Microscopy<br>o Remote Sensing<br>o Signal Processing for Big Data<br>o Network Tomography<br>o Signal Processing for Physical Security & Forensics<br>o Signal Processing for Finance<br>o Sparse Signal Processing & Compressed Sensing<br>o Signal Processing over Graphs<br>o SP for Biomedical Research<br>o Signal Processing for the Smart Grid<br>o Radar and Sonar<br>o Source Separation, Theory & Applications<br>o Distributed Processing<br>o Signal Processing for Social Media<br>o Video and Image Processing<br>o Pattern Recognition and Classification<br>o Statistical Signal Processing<br>o Detection and Estimation<br>o Neural and Adaptive Methods<br>o Machine Learning<br>o Speech and Language Processing<br>o Sensor Array and Multichannel Processing<br>o Acoustic Imaging<br>o Multimedia Signal Processing<br>o Seismic Signal Processing<br>o Signal Processing for Astronomy & Radio Astronomy<br>o Signal Processing for Communications<br>o Bayesian Methods<br>o Coding and Data Compression<br>o Signal Processing Education<br>o Industrial and Other Applications<br>
United States
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