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<br>The HotTopics of MS 2015: Real&#8211;world Solutions and Growing Ecosystems<br>MS 2015 organizing committee invites you to participate in the 3rd edition of MS, to be held on June 27&#8211;July 2 2015, New York city, USA&#046;<br>Regular Theme of MS 2015: Wearable Technology and Internet&#8211;of&#8211;Things (IoT) applications<br>Wireless and ubiquitous connectivity have enabled mobile computing and Internet access on the go as a life&#8211;enhancing and indispensable experience of modern life&#046; More than 50 billion devices, in more than 200 device types, will likely be connected to the Internet by 2020 as integral components of a new generation of high&#8211;value application services for consumers and enterprises&#046; API&#8211;defined mobile services have become essential ubiquitous services consumption and delivery enablers for many industries and government organizations worldwide&#046; The 2015 IEEE International Conference on Mobile Services (MS) aims at providing an international forum that is dedicated to exploring different aspects of mobile services (from business management to computing systems, algorithms, and applications) and to promoting technological innovations in research and development of mobile services, including, but not limited to, wireless &amp; sensor networks, mobile &amp; wearable computing, mobile enterprise &amp; eCommerce, ubiquitous collaborative &amp; social services, machine&#8211;to&#8211;machine &amp; Internet&#8211;of&#8211;things clouds, cyber&#8211;physical integration, and big data analytics for mobility&#8211;enabled services&#046;<br>Mobile Services have been driving Internet innovations and transforming traditional businesses since iOS, Andriod, Windows Phone, and other mobile operating systems were introduced&#046; We are leveraging mobile platforms such as WeChat, QQ, Facebook, Twitter, and others to analyze business opportunities, play games, conduct transactions, collaborate with team members, sell products, build relationships with e&#8211;commerce partners, create friend&#8211;circles, and manage projects as well as tasks&#046; As an open platform, The HotTopics of the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Mobile Services (IEEE MS 2015) is created to promote real&#8211;world solutions and growing ecosystems&#046;<br>The Hot Tipcs of IEEE MS 2015 invites you to submit practical innovations, solutions, and case studies which include but not limited to the following tracks&#046;<br>&#8211;&#8211; Facebook Mobile Services;<br>&#8211;&#8211; Twitter Mobile Services;<br>&#8211;&#8211; WeChat Mobile Services;<br>&#8211;&#8211; QQ Mobile Services;<br>&#8211;&#8211; LINE Mobile Services;<br>&#8211;&#8211; WhatsApp Mobile Services;<br>&#8211;&#8211; Google Mobile Services (e&#046;g&#046; Google Maps, Youtube, Google+);<br>&#8211;&#8211; SnapChat Mobile Services;<br>&#8211;&#8211; Skype Mobile Services;<br>&#8211;&#8211; Instagram Mobile Services;<br>&#8211;&#8211; Innovations of Mobile Operating System (e&#046;g&#046; Andriod, iOS, Windows Phone)&#046;<br>The HotTopics of IEEE MS 2015 has a dedicated submission system "2015 IEEE MS &#8211; HotTopics" powered by ConfHub&#046;com&#046; Please choose one of the above tracks for "Main topic" when you submit your abstracts and 8&#8211;page papers&#046; All papers will be peer&#8211;reviewed by the program committee of IEEE MS 2015&#046;<br>In addition, the regular conference theme of MS 2015 is wearable technology and Internet&#8211;of&#8211;Things (IoT) applications&#046; Topics of Interest include, not limited to:<br>Middleware<br>&#8211; Mobility identity &amp; access mechanism<br>&#8211; Context&#8211; and location&#8211;aware middleware<br>&#8211; Agent technologies in ubiquitous, wearable, and mobile services<br>&#8211; Messaging, media streaming, and event management middleware for mobile devices<br>&#8211; Mobility API integration, brokerage, and management<br>&#8211; Mobile backend as a service (MBaaS) and mobile app platform<br>&#8211; Reliability, availability, serviceability, scalability, and disaster recovery for mobile services<br>&#8211; Knowledge acquisition, discovery, matching, composition, and analytics for mobile services<br>Engineering<br>&#8211; Software architectures, programming framework, and operational models for mobile services<br>&#8211; Asset and configuration management of mobile devices<br>&#8211; Data management &amp; integration for mobile services<br>&#8211; Big data analytics for mobility&#8211;enabled services<br>&#8211; Queries, transactions, and workflows in mobile services<br>&#8211; Performance &amp; capacity management for mobile services<br>&#8211; Security &amp; performance healthcheck for mobile services<br>&#8211; Service catalog, SLA, and compliance management for mobile services<br>&#8211; DevOps and operations management for mobile services<br>User experience<br>&#8211; User interfaces and usability for mobile applications and services<br>&#8211; Multimodal interfaces (speech, video kinetic, tactile)<br>Applications<br>&#8211; IoT&#8211;enabled services &amp; industrial transformation (e&#046;g&#046;, connected vehicles, clinical remote monitoring, assisted living, building automation, traffic management, asset management, etc&#046;)<br>&#8211; IoT&#8211;enabled management of the physical world<br>&#8211; Innovative mobile, ubiquitous, and wearable applications<br>&#8211; Mobile social networking<br>&#8211; Ubiquitous collaborative &amp; social services<br>&#8211; Mobile Web<br>&#8211; Services based on ad hoc and sensor networks<br>&#8211; Community based computing<br>&#8211; Personal&#8211;area services and applications<br>Cross&#8211;cutting<br>&#8211; Security and privacy in mobile services<br>&#8211; Trust models for mobile services<br>&#8211; Localization and tracking<br>&#8211; Application&#8211;level energy management for mobile devices<br>