Deadline Paper
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End Date

<pre>ECMFA has two distinct Paper Tracks: one for research papers (Track F) dealing with the foundations for MBE, and one for industrial/applications papers (Track A) dealing with the applications of MBE, including experience reports on MBE tools&#046; Research Papers (Track F): In this track, we are soliciting papers presenting original research on all aspects of MBE&#046; Typical topics of interest include, among others: &#8211; Foundations of (Meta)modelling &#8211; Domain Specific Modelling Languages and Language Workbenches &#8211; Model Reasoning, Testing and Validation &#8211; Model Transformation, Code Generation and Reverse Engineering &#8211; Model Execution and Simulation &#8211; Model Management aspects such as (Co&#8211;)Evolution, Consistency, Synchronization &#8211; Model&#8211;Based Engineering Environments and Tool Chains &#8211; Foundations of Requirements Modelling, Architecture Modelling, Platform Modelling &#8211; Foundations of Quality Aspects and Modelling non&#8211;functional System Properties &#8211; Scalability of MBE techniques &#8211; Collaborative Modeling Industrial Papers (Track A): In this track, we are soliciting papers representing views, innovations and experiences of industrial players in applying or supporting MBE&#046; In particular, we are looking for papers that set requirements on the foundations, methods, and tools for MBE&#046; We are also seeking experience reports or case studies on the application, successes or current shortcomings of MBE&#046; Quantitative results reflecting industrial experience are particularly appreciated&#046; All application areas of MBE are welcomed including but not limited to any of the following: &#8211; MBE for Large and Complex Industrial Systems &#8211; MBE for Safety&#8211;Critical Systems &#8211; MBE for Cyber&#8211;Physical Systems &#8211; MBE for Health Care &#8211; MBE for Cloud and Mobile Computing &#8211; MBE for Software and Business Process Modelling &#8211; Comparative Studies of MBE Methods and Tools &#8211; Metrics for MBE Development &#8211; MBE Training<br></pre>