The general technical scope of the workshop is the design, analysis,<br>predic6on, and op6miza6on of interconnect and communica6on<br>fabrics in electronic systems. The organizing commi<ee invites original<br>contribu6ons to the workshop. These contribu6ons include papers,<br>tutorials, panels, special sessions, and posters. We accept papers based on<br>novelty and contribu6ons to the advancement of the field. The<br>accepted papers will be published in the ACM and IEEE digital libraries.<br>Technical topics include but are not limited to:<br>Interconnect predic6on and<br>op6miza6on at various IC and<br>system design stages<br>System–Ââ€level design for FPGAs,<br>NOCs,<br>reconfigurable systems<br>Design, analysis, and op6miza6on<br>of power and clock networks<br>Interconnect reliability<br>Interconnect topologies and fabricechnical topics include but are not<br>limited to:<br>Interconnect predic6on and<br>op6miza6on at various IC and<br>system design stages<br>System–Ââ€level design for FPGAs,<br>NOCs,<br>reconfigurable systems<br>Design, analysis, and op6miza6on<br>of power and clock networks<br>Interconnect reliability<br>Interconnect topologies<br>Design–Ââ€for–Ââ€manufacturing (DFM)<br>and yield techniques for<br>interconnects<br>High speed chip–Ââ€to–Ââ€chip<br>interconnect design<br>Design and analysis of chip–Ââ€package<br>interfaces<br>Power consump6on of<br>interconnects<br>3D interconnect design and<br>predic6on<br>Emerging interconnect<br>technologies<br>Applica6ons of interconnects to<br>social, gene6c, and biological<br>systems<br>Co–Ââ€op6miza6on of interconnect<br>technology and chip<br>
San Francisco
United States
Deadline Paper
Start Date
End Date