Deadline Paper
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IEEE CAMAD is soliciting papers describing original work, unpublished and not currently submitted for publication elsewhere, on topics including, but not limited to, the following:<br>Autonomic Communication Systems and Self&#8211;Organized Networks<br>Body Area Networks and Applications<br>Cloud Computing, Network Virtualization and Software Defined Networks<br>Cognitive Radio and Network Design<br>Cross&#8211;Layer &amp; Cross&#8211;System Protocol Design<br>Design of Content Aware Networks and Future Media Internet<br>Design of Satellite Networks<br>Design, Modeling and Analysis of Wireless, Mobile, Ad hoc and Sensor Networks<br>Design, Modeling and Analysis of Network Services and Systems<br>Future Service Oriented Internet Design<br>Green Wireless Communication Design<br>Modeling and Simulation Techniques for Integrated Communication Systems<br>Modeling and Simulation Techniques for Internet of Things<br>Modeling and Simulation Techniques for Machine&#8211;to&#8211;Machine Communications<br>Modeling and Simulation Techniques for Social Networks<br>Next Generation Mobile Networks<br>Network Monitoring and Measurements<br>Network Optimization and Resource Provisioning<br>Next Generation Internet<br>Optical Communications &amp; Fiber Optics<br>Network Management, Middleware Technologies and Overlays<br>Quality of Experience: Framework, Evaluation and Challenges<br>Seamless Integration of Wireless, Cellular and Broadcasting Networks with Internet<br>Fast Simulation Techniques for Communication Networks<br>Simulation Techniques for Large&#8211;Scale Networks<br>Smart Grids: Communication, Modeling and Design<br>Test Beds and Real Life Experimentation<br>Traffic Engineering, Modeling and Analysis<br>Validation of Simulation Models with Measurements<br>