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Since its creation in 2002, the International Conference on Ad Hoc Networks and Wireless (ADHOC&#8211;NOW) has become a well&#8211;established and well known event dedicated to wireless and mobile computing&#046; It serves as a forum for interesting discussions on ongoing research and new contributions&#046; The conference addresses both experimental and theoretical research in the areas of ad hoc networks, sensor networks, mesh networks and vehicular networks&#046; It focuses on all issues from link layer up to the application layer&#046; The fourteenth edition of ADHOC&#8211;NOW will be for the first time organized in Athens, Greece, from June 29 to July 02, 2015&#046; We seek original contributions as work in progress, experimental and theoretical research in Wireless Sensor, Ad&#8211;Hoc, Mobile and Wireless Networks&#046; Submissions must not be published or under review for another conference or journal&#046; We are interested, but not limited to, research papers in any of the following areas:<br>* Access Control<br>* Ad Hoc Networks of Autonomous Intelligent Systems<br>* Algorithmic Issues<br>* Analytic Methods and Modeling for Performance Evaluation<br>* Ad Hoc Network Applications and Architectures<br>* Delay&#8211;Tolerant Networking<br>* Distributed Algorithms for Ad Hoc Networks<br>* Energy Efficiency<br>* Geometric Graphs<br>* Location Discovery and Management<br>* Mobility Handling and Utilization<br>* Wireless Mesh Networks<br>* Big Data Inspired Data Sensing<br>* Mobile Ad Hoc Computing Platforms<br>* Systems and Testbeds<br>* Mobile Social Networking<br>* Quality&#8211;of&#8211;Service<br>* Routing Protocols (Unicast, Multicast, etc&#046;)<br>* Secure Services and Protocols<br>* Sensor Networks<br>* Self&#8211;Configuration<br>* Service Discovery<br>* Timing Synchronization<br>* Vehicular Networks<br>* Wireless Internet<br>* Processing and Networking Technologies Complexity and Computational Issues<br>* Prototype systems and real&#8211;world deployment experiences<br>