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Wireless Networks became one of the major components of the modern communication infrastructure&#046; However, one of the major challenges in the wireless networks is the energy consumption&#046; Therefore, efficient energy management techniques have to be considered in each level of the network startingfrom the design to the application level&#046; WNTEST&#8211;2015 is targeting the new and novel techniques that can be utilized for energy saving and efficient energy management in wireless networks&#046;<br>Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):<br>* Energy efficient Wireless and Mobile Network Architecture<br>* Energy&#8211;efficiency in vehicular networks<br>* Energy Efficient Wireless Ad Hoc and Mesh Networks<br>* Energy Efficient Wireless Personal Area Networks<br>* Energy Efficient Wireless Local Area Networks<br>* Energy Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks<br>* Energy Efficient Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks<br>* Energy Efficient Optical Wireless Access Networks<br>* Energy Efficient Mobile Computing and Wireless Communications<br>* Future Wireless Networks and Protocols<br>* Multimedia Communications and energy efficient Services<br>* Congestion handling and Admission Control with efficient energy management<br>* Wireless MAC Protocols: Design and Analysis for energy saving<br>* Quality of Service Provisioning<br>* Wireless Network Trust, Privacy and Security with efficient energy treatment<br>* Cross&#8211;Layer Design and Adaptation for energy management<br>* Radio Resource Management for best energy utilization<br>* Mobility, Handoff and Location Management for efficient energy saving<br>* Performance Modeling and Evaluation based energy management<br>* Wireless Networks and energy efficient data handling<br>