Santa Clara
United States
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IoT Summit is a forum to present, highlight and discuss the latest products, applications, development, and business opportunities in IoT&#046; The market for IoT, sensors, wearables,cloud, and related technologies is expanding at a phenomenal rate&#046; The conference brings together researchers, developers, and practitioners from diverse fields including scientists and engineers, research institutes, and industry&#046; IoT Tech Summit is the 4th event produced by SensorsCon and is sponsored by the International Society for Quality Electronic Design&#046;<br>Partial list of the topics explored in this conference<br>IoT Applications: Wearables, health &amp; fitness, Automotive, , energy, smart power grid, environmental monitoring, consumer, security, military, nautical, aeronautical and space, robotics automation<br>IoT enabling technologies such as sensors,cloud, low power and energy harvesting, sensor networks, machine&#8211;type communication, resource&#8211;constrained networks, real&#8211;time systems, IoT data analytics, in situ processing, and embedded software&#046;<br>IoT architectures such as things&#8211;centric, data&#8211;centric, service&#8211;centric architecture, platforms, cloud&#8211;based IoT, system security and manageability&#046;<br>IoT services, applications, standards, and test&#8211;beds such as streaming data management and mining platforms, service middleware, open service platform, semantic service management, security and privacy&#8211;preserving protocols, design examples of smart services and applications, and IoT application support&#046;<br>