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You are cordially invited to attend the IEEE Texas Workshop on Integrated System Exploration (TexasWISE), a one&#8211;day meeting in Central Texas on March 27, 2015&#046; The mission of TexasWISE is two&#8211;fold: (1) to promote inter&#8211;disciplinary research between the fields of integrated systems and other exploratory areas; (2) to provide a platform for the interaction between academia and industry&#046;<br>There is a compelling need to search for new inter&#8211;disciplinary growth areas for the integrated circuits and systems industry&#046; This search is often embodied by exploratory individual research activities&#046; In contrast to such individual efforts, TexasWISE intends to orchestrate a collective and synergistic forum to facilitate such a growth&#046; This is expected to maximize the impact of such exploratory research and give Texas a leading role in this activity&#046; TexasWISE will not only provide a chance for face&#8211;to&#8211;face interaction among Texas IC research and development professionals, but also attract outstanding speakers from outside of Texas&#046; In this way, the workshop will serve a key role in facilitating interaction along multiple dimensions‚ between academia and industry, both within and outside of Texas&#046; Last but not least, this workshop will provide a great opportunity to hire the best students in Texas&#046;<br><span style="font&#8211;weight: bold;">Why Attend TexasWISE?</span><br>• For industry professionals, this is a wonderful opportunity for inspiring new product ideas, recruiting top students from Texas, and networking for your future career&#046;<br>• For academic researchers, this is a precious chance for discovering new research directions, interacting with industry participants, and understanding their research needs&#046;<br>• For students, this is a great time for learning the latest technology trends, making new friends, and finding job opportunities&#046;<br>