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The conference proceedings will be published in a dedicated book edited by Springer&#8211;Verlag (Science and Engineering)&#046;<br>Topics<br>Industrial domains<br>Aeronautic &amp; Aerospace<br>Constructors and operators of transportation systems<br>Defense and security<br>Electronics and robotics<br>Energy and environment<br>Health and welfare services<br>Media and communications<br>Software and e&#8211;services<br>Scientific and technical topics<br>Systems fundamentals (algorithmics &amp; complexity, control theory, communications, mathematical programming, semantics, systemics, information technology, signal processing)<br>Systems architecture (needs capture, requirements development, systems modelling, simuling, optimization, sizing and specification, architectural frameworks)<br>Systems engineering (design, industrialization, integration, verification, validation, qualification, deployment, maintenance, dismantling)<br>Industrial projects (innovation management, systems project management, agile methods, test oriented methods, project office)<br>Systems metrics (architectural metrics, complexity measures, cost &amp; delay evaluation, key performance indicators, quality of service)<br>Systems quality (analysis and covering of risks, availability, maintenability, operability, reliability, security, safety and usability analyses, tests)<br>Systemic tools (configuration management, formal verification, system behaviour analysis tools, modelling &amp; simuling tools, test management)<br>Systems types<br>Embedded systems (electronics, health, telecoms, transport, etc&#046;)<br>Transportation systems (aerospace, automobile, railways, ships, etc&#046;)<br>Software systems (Internet applications, networks, operating systems, parallel and distributed systems, etc&#046;)<br>Information systems (command, control &amp; communication systems, enterprise information systems (BI, CRM, EII, ERP, SCM), industrial information systems (SCADA, PLM, etc&#046;), supervision systems, etc&#046;)<br>Systems of systems (air traffic management, management of financial systems, network centric warfare, travel reservation systems, etc&#046;)<br>Artificial eco&#8211;systems (city planning &amp; engineering, integrated hubs, etc&#046;)<br>