Rio de Janeiro
Deadline Paper
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TOPICS<br>A non&#8211;exhaustive list of topics of interest include the following:<br>&#8211; Architecture, design, implementation and management of intelligent vehicles<br>&#8211; Vehicular and sensor networks<br>&#8211; Functional safety, standards and certification<br>&#8211; Security threats to cyber&#8211;physical systems<br>&#8211; Techniques and protocols for cooperative vehicles<br>&#8211; Data communication in networked embedded systems<br>&#8211; Aerial, ground and aquatic mobile robotics<br>&#8211; Collision prediction and avoidance<br>&#8211; Advanced driver assistance systems<br>&#8211; Real&#8211;time perception and sensor fusion<br>&#8211; SLAM in dynamic environments<br>&#8211; Real&#8211;time motion planning in dynamic environments<br>&#8211; Human&#8211;robot Interaction<br>&#8211; Behavior modeling and learning<br>&#8211; Modeling and control of safety critical mobile robot<br>&#8211; Practical experiences and testbeds related with intelligent vehicles<br>&#8211; Industrial experiences and best practices relevant to safety and security of intelligent vehicles<br>