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WCET workshop is the reference forum for academics, practitioners and industrials<br>in any aspect related to the timing analysis of computer systems&#046; While in the past<br>timing analysis has been a topic mainly for real&#8211;time systems, recently it has<br>becoming crucial in other domains dealing with timing guarantees&#046; This includes<br>among other mobile computing and high&#8211;performance computing&#046; This edition of the<br>WCET workshop, besides papers targeting traditional WCET analysis, encourages<br>submissions focused on less rigorous and mature timing analysis techniques on complex<br>multicore and manycore heterogeneous, usually COTS, architectures&#046; For such complex<br>architectures Execution Time Bound (ETB) estimates are derived rather than WCET<br>estimates in the strict sense&#046; ETB estimates are intrinsically less reliable<br>than WCET estimates&#046;<br>TOPICS<br>This workshop seeks original contributions on topics that include but<br>are not limited to:<br>&#8211; WCET/ETB analysis for multi&#8211; and many&#8211;core systems<br>&#8211; WCET/ETB analysis for multi&#8211;threaded applications<br>&#8211; WCET/ETB analysis for COTS processors<br>&#8211; Case studies, and industrial experience of WCET/ETB analysis<br>&#8211; Timing Analysis and safety standards<br>&#8211; Different approaches to WCET/ETB computation<br>&#8211; Probabilistic timing analysis<br>&#8211; Tools for WCET/ETB analysis<br>&#8211; Timing&#8211;predictable operating systems and processor designs<br>&#8211; Compiler&#8211;based optimization of worst&#8211;case timing<br>&#8211; Low&#8211;level timing analysis, modelling and analysis of processor features<br>&#8211; Flow analysis for WCET, loop bounds, infeasible paths<br>&#8211; Integration of timing analysis and schedulability analysis<br>&#8211; Integration of timing analysis in development processes<br>&#8211; Methods and benchmarks for timing analysis evaluation<br>