The Computational Science and Engineering area is increasingly becoming an emerging and promising discipline that shapes future research and development activities in academia and industry, ranging from engineering, science, finance, economics, arts and humanitarian fields, especially when the solution of large and complex problems must cope with tight timing schedules.<br>The 18th IEEE International Conferences on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE–2015) is the next event, in a series of highly successful international conferences on Computational Science and Engineering. CSE2015 will be held in Porto, Portugal on October 21–23, 2015. It intends to bring together computer scientists, industrial engineers, and researchers to discuss and exchange experimental and theoretical results, novel designs, work–in–progress, experience, case studies, and trend–setting ideas in the areas of advanced computing for problems in science and engineering applications and inter–disciplinary.<br>Topics:<br>The CSE2015 conference will provide a forum for engineers and scientists in academia, industry, and government to address all challenges including technical, safety, social, and legal issues related to Computational Science and Engineering and to present and discuss their ideas, results, work–in–progress and experience on all aspects of Computational Science and Engineering. Topics of particular interest include, but are not limited to:<br>* Track 1. Intelligent and Bio–inspired Computing<br>Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning<br>Knowledge Representation and Reasoning<br>Multi–Agent Systems<br>Computational Neuroscience<br>Natural Language Processing<br>Evolutionary Computation<br>Metaheuristics<br>Memetic Algorithms<br>Cellular Automata<br>Fuzzy Systems<br>Molecular Computing<br>Applications of Intelligent Computing<br>* Track 2. Scientific and Engineering Computing<br>Multiphysics, Multiscale, and Multilevel Algorithms<br>Energy–aware Algorithms<br>Scalable Numerical Algorithms<br>Hardware–aware Algorithms<br>Graph and Social Network Algorithms<br>Asynchronous Parallel Algorithms<br>Uncertainty Quantification<br>Innovative Implementations of Scientific Computing and Visualization Algorithms<br>Software Design and Development to Support CSE<br>Applications in Computational Science, e.g., Biology, Physics, Geophysics, Aerospace, Life Sciences, Climate, Economics<br>Programming Models for Heterogeneous and Many–core Processors<br>High Performance Software Libraries and Environments<br>Exascale Computing<br>Emerging Technology<br>Emerging Applications<br>* Track 3. Big Data Analytic<br>Databases and Data Mining Applications<br>Feature Selection and Feature Extraction<br>High Performance Data Mining Algorithms<br>Knowledge Discovery<br>Sequential Data Mining<br>Stream Data Mining<br>Social Network Mining<br>Temporal and Spatial Data Mining<br>Text, Graph, Video, Multimedia Data Mining<br>Web Mining<br>* Track 4. Cluster, Grid, P2P and Cloud Computing<br>Autonomic Computing in P2P, Grid, Cloud systems<br>Cloud Computing and Applications<br>Data Intensive and Computing Intensive Applications<br>Economics of P2P, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing<br>Grid and P2P Infrastructures for Data Storage and Data Mining<br>High performance and Scalable Computing<br>Large–scale Collaborative Problem Solving Environments<br>Programming models, tools, and environments<br>Middleware for Grid, Cloud and P2P Systems and Applications<br>Methodology and Practice of Semantic Grid and Web<br>Overlay Networks for P2P Systems<br>Reputation Aggregation for P2P, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing Systems<br>Scalability, Dependability and Reliability<br>Scheduling, Resource Discovery and Allocation<br>Social Networking and Implications<br>Theoretical model for P2P, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing Systems<br>Trust Integration and Security<br>Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing Applications<br>Virtual Organizations and Enterprise Computing<br>Web and Grid Service–based Applications<br>* Track 5. Computational Social Systems<br>Fundamental Theories in SN/MSN<br>Solutions to Key Problems in SN/MSN<br>Typical SN/MSN Applications<br>Socially–inspired Design of Communications Networks<br>Various Topics related to SN/MSN Development Platform<br>Privacy, Security, Ethics, Culture, and Anonymity Issues<br>Social Sensing, Crowdsourced Sensing and Mobile Participatory Sensing<br>u–Things, u–Science and u–Engineering<br>Intelligent Transportation Systems and Safety–critical Systems<br>Capacity Offloading through D2D Local Area Networks<br>Economic, Social, Psychological Inspired Incentive Mechanisms<br>Business Models of SN/MSN<br>* Track 6. Mobile Computing and Wireless Communications<br>Space–Time, MIMO and Adaptive Antennas<br>Mobile data communication<br>Security Issues Involved in Mobile Computing<br>OFDM, CDMA and Spread Spectrum<br>Multimedia in Mobile Computing: Issues, System Design, and Performance Evaluation<br>Information Theory<br>Multimedia Signal Processing<br>Cross Layer Optimization in Wireless Networks<br>Cognitive Radio, Ultra–wideband<br>Multihop and Cooperative Communications<br>Modulation, Coding, Diversity<br>Signal Processing in Body Area Networks<br>Wireless Emergency and Security Systems<br>* Track 7. CSE Education<br>Computer Aided Education<br>Multimedia and Education<br>Computer Science and Education Technology<br>Computer and Education Training<br>Computer and Education Management<br>E–learning<br>Knowledge Discovering<br>* Track 8. Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing<br>Embedded System Software and Optimization<br>Embedded System Architectures<br>Hardware/Software Co–design and Design Automation<br>Real–Time Systems and Operating Systems<br>Application–Specific Processors and Devices<br>Power–Aware Computing<br>Sensor Networks<br>System/Network–on–Chip<br>Reconfigurable Computing Systems and Applications<br>Pervasive Computing and Communications<br>Middleware and Peer–to–Peer Computing<br>Internet Computing and Applications<br>Multimedia and Data Management<br>Human–Computer Interaction<br>Agents and Distributed Computing<br>Security and Fault Tolerance Applications<br>* Track 9. Advanced Networking and Applications<br>Communication Protocol and Architecture<br>High–speed Communication and Network<br>Wireless Communication and Network<br>Mobile Ad–hoc and Sensor Network<br>Low–power Network and System<br>Wearable Network and System<br>Embedded System and Networking<br>Internet Technology and IP–based Applications<br>Network Control and Management<br>Network Performance, Analysis and Evaluation<br>Quality of Services (QoS)<br>Ubiquitous/Pervasive Networks and Computing<br>Ubiquitous Intelligence and Smart World<br>Smart Object, Space/Environment and System<br>Innovative Networking and Applications<br>Social, Ethical & Other Issues of Networked World<br>Network and Application Hardware<br>* Track 10. Security, Privacy and Trust<br>Information and System Security<br>Computer Security<br>Reliable Computing<br>Trusted Computing<br>Network Security and Privacy<br>E–Security<br>* Track 11. Service and Internet Computing<br>Mathematical Foundation of Services Computing<br>Services Science<br>Service–Oriented Architecture(SOA)<br>Web Services<br>Wireless Grid and Communication Services Delivery Platform<br>Grid Applications and System Solutions<br>Dependable, Reliable and Autonomic Computing<br>* Track 12. Distributed and Parallel Computing<br>Distributed Algorithms<br>Parallel/Distributed Architectures<br>Novel Big Data Architectures<br>Real–Time Parallel and Distributed Systems<br>Parallel and Distributed Operating Systems and Middleware<br>Resource Management and Task Scheduling<br>Parallel and Distributed Applications and Web Services<br>Parallel I/O Systems and Storage Systems<br>Tools and Environments for Parallel & Distributed Software Development<br>Analysis and Design of Parallel and Distributed Algorithms<br>Distributed Data and Knowledge Based Systems<br>Distributed Graphics and VR/AR/MR Systems<br>Distributed AI and Soft/Natural Computing<br>Security in Parallel and Distributed Systems<br>* Track 13. Dependable, Reliable and Autonomic Computing<br>Autonomic Computing Theory, Models, Architectures and Communications<br>Dependable Automatic Control Techniques and Systems<br>Cloud Computing with Autonomic and Trusted Environment<br>Reliable Computing<br>Hardware and Software Reliability, Verification and Testing<br>Dependability and Autonomic Issues in Ubiquitous Computing<br>Software Engineering for Dependable Systems<br>Hardware Engineering for Dependable Systems<br>
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