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Virtualization technologies constitute a key enabling factor for flexible resource<br>management in modern data centers, cloud environments, and increasingly in<br>HPC as well&#046; Providers need to dynamically manage complex infrastructures in a<br>seamless fashion for varying workloads and hosted applications, independently of<br>the customers deploying software or users submitting highly dynamic and<br>heterogeneous workloads&#046; Thanks to virtualization, we have the ability to manage<br>vast computing and networking resources dynamically and close to the marginal<br>cost of providing the services, which is unprecedented in the history of scientific<br>and commercial computing&#046;<br>Various virtualization technologies contribute to the overall picture in different<br>ways: machine virtualization, with its capability to enable consolidation of multiple<br>under&#8211;utilized servers with heterogeneous software and operating systems (OSes),<br>and its capability to live&#8211;migrate a fully operating virtual machine (VM) with a very<br>short downtime, enables novel and dynamic ways to manage physical servers;<br>OS&#8211;level virtualization, with its capability to isolate multiple user&#8211;space<br>environments and to allow for their co&#8211;existence within the same OS kernel,<br>promises to provide many of the advantages of machine virtualization with high<br>levels of responsiveness and performance; I/O Virtualization allows physical<br>network adapters to take traffic from multiple VMs; network virtualization, with its<br>capability to create logical network overlays that are independent of the<br>underlying physical topology and IP addressing, provides the fundamental<br>ground on top of which evolved network services can be realized with an<br>unprecedented level of dynamicity and flexibility; These technologies<br>have to be inter&#8211;mixed and integrated in an intelligent way, to support<br>workloads that are increasingly demanding in terms of absolute performance,<br>responsiveness and interactivity, and have to respect well&#8211;specified Service&#8211;<br>Level Agreements (SLAs), as needed for industrial&#8211;grade provided services&#046;<br>Indeed, among emerging and increasingly interesting application domains<br>for virtualization, we can find big&#8211;data application workloads in cloud<br>infrastructures, interactive and real&#8211;time multimedia services in the cloud,<br>including real&#8211;time big&#8211;data streaming platforms such as used in real&#8211;time<br>analytics supporting nowadays a plethora of application domains&#046; Distributed<br>cloud infrastructures promise to offer unprecedented responsiveness levels for<br>hosted applications, but that is only possible if the underlying virtualization<br>technologies can overcome most of the latency impairments typical of current<br>virtualized infrastructures (e&#046;g&#046;, far worse tail&#8211;latency)&#046;<br>The Workshop on Virtualization in High&#8211;Performance Cloud Computing (VHPC)<br>aims to bring together researchers and industrial practitioners facing the challenges<br>posed by virtualization in order to foster discussion, collaboration, mutual exchange<br>of knowledge and experience, enabling research to ultimately provide novel<br>solutions for virtualized computing systems of tomorrow&#046;<br>The workshop will be one day in length, composed of 20 min paper presentations,<br>each followed by 10 min discussion sections, and lightning talks, limited to 5<br>minutes&#046; Presentations may be accompanied by interactive demonstrations&#046;<br>TOPICS<br>Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:<br>&#8211; Virtualization in supercomputing environments, HPC clusters, cloud HPC and grids<br>&#8211; Optimizations of virtual machine monitor platforms, hypervisors and OS&#8211;level virtualization<br>&#8211; Hypervisor and network virtualization QoS and SLAs<br>&#8211; Cloud based network and system management for SDN and NFV<br>&#8211; Management, deployment and monitoring of virtualized environments<br>&#8211; Performance measurement, modelling and monitoring of virtualized/cloud workloads<br>&#8211; Programming models for virtualized environments<br>&#8211; Cloud reliability, fault&#8211;tolerance, high&#8211;availability and security<br>&#8211; Heterogeneous virtualized environments, virtualized accelerators, GPUs and co&#8211;processors<br>&#8211; Optimized communication libraries/protocols in the cloud and for HPC in the cloud<br>&#8211; Topology management and optimization for distributed virtualized applications<br>&#8211; Cluster provisioning in the cloud and cloud bursting<br>&#8211; Adaptation of emerging HPC technologies (high performance networks, RDMA, etc&#046;&#046;)<br>&#8211; I/O and storage virtualization, virtualization aware file systems<br>&#8211; Job scheduling/control/policy in virtualized environments<br>&#8211; Checkpointing and migration of VM&#8211;based large compute jobs<br>&#8211; Cloud frameworks and APIs<br>&#8211; Energy&#8211;efficient / power&#8211;aware virtualization<br>