The rapid development of computing and communications technology has resulted in a great attention in high performance and smart computing (HPSC) in recent years. Both computing industry and research domain have a great demand of the high performance smart computing. HPSC has become one of the mainstreams of computing. As a key technology, smart computing is playing an important role in determining future research and development activities in many academic and industrial branches. High performance is another significant aspect when solving large and complex problems under a tight timing constraint.<br>The HPSC 2015 is a research workshop cooperated with the 17th IEEE HPCC. This symposium provide engineers and scientists in computing domain with an academic forum in which the new research achievements, ideas, and results are shared. The state–of–the–art smart computing applications and experiences in high performance and smart computing will be represented in this academic event. HPSC–2015 is sponsored by IEEE, IEEE Computer Society, and IEEE Technical Committee on Scalable Computing (TCSC).<br>The objective of HPSC 2015 is to provide a forum for scientists, engineers, and researchers to discuss and exchange their new ideas, novel results, work in progress and experience on all aspects of Big Data Security on cloud. Topics of particular interest include, but are not limited to:<br>– Parallel and distributed system architectures<br>– Languages and compilers for high performance computing<br>– Parallel and distributed software technologies<br>– Parallel and distributed algorithms<br>– Embedded systems<br>– Peer–to–peer computing<br>– Grid and cluster computing<br>– Web services and Internet computing<br>– Cloud computing<br>– Utility computing<br>– Performance evaluation and measurement<br>– Tools and environments for software development<br>– Distributed systems and applications<br>– High–performance scientific and engineering computing<br>– Database applications and data mining<br>– Biological/molecular computing<br>– Collaborative and cooperative environments<br>– Mobile computing and wireless communications<br>– Computer Networks<br>– Telecommunications<br>– Pervasive/ubiquitous computing and intelligence<br>– Autonomic, reliability and fault–tolerance<br>– Trust, security and privacy<br>
New YorkNY
United States
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