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The 9th IEEE Workshop on Network Measurements (WNM) will cover all measurement aspects of computer networking, services, and application&#046; Mature and early works are welcome for submission, including new directions, intriguing approaches, and alternative approaches to the state&#8211;of&#8211;the&#8211;art methods&#046;<br>We seek submissions that treat all aspects of measurement across the networking stack, distributed applications and services and especially encourage works that involve new and emerging systems, applications, and environments&#046;<br>Virtualization and cloud technologies have become the norm in building new systems and services, while user&#8211;facing applications, including Web, are explicitly being designed for mobility first&#046; In addition, emerging Internet of Things (IoT) and wearable devices pose new challenges as well as opportunities in design, integration, and deployment of systems&#046; Recent standardization of HTTP/2 brings significant changes to the Web measurement and monitoring landscape, with explicit encryption challenging established approaches based HTTP header and payload inspection&#046; One of the questions is whether known measurement and monitoring techniques are adequate and applicable in the future Web and cloud&#8211;based virtualized Internet infrastructure or we need novel approaches&#046;<br>We invite the measurement community to contribute original submissions that cover a broad range of topics in monitoring, measurement and analysis across wired and wireless networks:<br>*Measurement tools, techniques, design, and evaluation<br>*Measurement of new protocols such as HTTP/2, QUIC and similar alternatives<br>*Measurement of emerging modes of communication such as NFC and<br>spontaneous interaction of devices<br>*Measurement for wearables and IoT<br>*Measurement in Network Function Virtualization and Software&#8211;Defined Networking<br>*Building Quality of Experience (QoE) metrics from network measurements<br>*Measurement across the network protocol stack<br>*Measurement related to performance, reliability, security and privacy<br>*Data centers, cloud&#8211;based services and content distribution networks<br>*Measurement&#8211;based monitoring and troubleshooting of large&#8211;scale<br>distributed systems, including cloud infrastructures<br>*Monitoring and measurement of home networks, including wireless streaming<br>*Evaluation of emerging paradigms for traditional services (e&#046;g&#046;<br>moving from circuit&#8211;switched phone to VoIP, high&#8211;definition<br>voice/VoLTE, video over VoLTE, WebRTC)<br>*Assessment of previous measurement works<br>