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2015 NORCAS Conference<br>IEEE Nordic Circuits and Systems Conference<br>26&#8211;28 October 2015, Oslo, Norway<br>General Scope of the Conference<br>The NORCAS conference is the main microelectronics event of the Nordic countries build on<br>the predecessors NORCHIP and SoC&#046; The annual IEEE CAS sponsored conference covers all<br>areas of microelectronics, spanning from large digital systems to simple analog circuits&#046;<br>The wide scope of NORCAS is intentional promoting cross&#8211;field collaboration&#046;<br>NORCAS is a well established conference with representation from both academia and<br>industry&#046; Papers of the highest scientific and technical quality are presented together with<br>selected invited speakers and pre&#8211;conference tutorial sessions&#046;<br>Technical programme<br>The 2015 NORCAS conference will take<br>place on 26&#8211;28 October 2015&#046;<br>The Steering Committee invites people<br>from academia and industry in all Europe<br>to contribute papers&#046;<br>Contributions for the 2015 conference in<br>Oslo should be in the following areas:<br>Digital and analog Micro&#8211;electronics/nanoelectronics<br>Embedded systems, FPGA and rapid prototyping<br>Biomedical Circuits and Systems<br>Sensors, Imagers, MEMS devices<br>Sensor interface circuits, data&#8211;converters<br>Measurement, modeling, and simulation of hardware<br>Mixed mode designs, high frequency circuits, design for testability<br>CAE, design tools, VLSI design methodology, neural networks<br>Packaging and interconnect<br>Network&#8211;on&#8211;Chip<br>Wireless Circuits and Systems<br>