<p style="margin–bottom: 0cm">The IEEE Control Systems Society Chapter Malaysia, School of Electrical Engineering and<br>Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Institute of Graduate Studies and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, UITM are pleased to announce 2015 5th IEEE International Conference on System Engineering and Technology (ICSET 2015) which will be held in<br>Shah Alam, Malaysia on 10–11 August 2015. The colloquium will provide an excellent platform for knowledge exchange between postgraduate researchers working in areas of listed below. In addition, it provides an opportunity for the participants from Malaysia and overseas to share research findings and establish network and collaborations. This event calls for local and international participations.<br>The scopes of the conference are any topics that may fall in these nine categories (but not limited to), i.e. Control Engineering, Computer Engineering, Information Technology,<br>Informatics, Electronics, Data and Software Engineering, Biomedical Engineering:<br>– Control, Information and Systems Engineering<br>– System Identification, Modeling & Simulation<br>– Signal Processing: Speech Processing, Image Processing<br>– Instrumentation and Automation<br>– Technological Advancements<br>– Computer Engineering<br>– Human–Computer Interface, Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality<br>– Assistive Technology, Brain–Computer Interface<br>– Artificial Intelligence & Intelligent System<br>– Other related areas<br></p><p style="margin–bottom: 0cm"><br></p>
Shah Alam
Deadline Paper
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End Date