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<p style="margin&#8211;bottom: 0cm">Sensor&#8211;enabled smart objects including the smart&#8211;mobile devices are proving to be the elements of the future networked&#8211;infrastructure&#046; A new wave of services is bound to evolve from such smart infrastructure and smart devices that will influence all aspects of our social eco&#8211;system&#046; The range of applications would encompass several essential service verticals such as energy, sanitation, health care, transport, farming, governance, automation, manufacturing etc&#046; Applications and technologies that can enable services around these capabilities require to be developed&#046; Internet of Things (IoT) provides for intelligent Machine&#8211;to&#8211;Machine (M2M) and Machine&#8211;to&#8211;User (M2U) communication and enables provision of the essential services&#046; In the similar context, Physical computing which involves building of interactive, physical systems, using a combination of hardware and software that can sense input from the real world and respond to it offer vast potential for innovative applications&#046; The above technologies can help researchers to understand people’s relationship with digital technology&#046; A set of such services and the intelligent infrastructure form the basis of what has come to be called as Smart Cities&#046;<br>Technologies and services built on these enabling technologies are essential for the Smart&#8211;City Experience&#046;<br>The third International Workshop on Technologies and Applications for Smart&#8211;Cities (I&#8211;TASC) (https://at&#8211;web1&#046;comp&#046;glam&#046;ac&#046;uk/ngmast15/ITAS…) will be co&#8211;hosted with the 9th edition of NGMAST at Cambridge, UK between 9th&#8211;11th September 2015(http://www&#046;ngmast&#046;com) &#046; It intends to facilitate an inter&#8211;disciplinary ambience for researchers, developers and industry to discuss the Smart&#8211;City drivers with issues that concern the Smart Technologies, its Management, Security concerns and Service creation to realise Smart City Experience&#046;<br>The workshop will comprise of invited talks and paper presentations followed by a panel discussion of eminent contributors from this emerging field&#046; The proceedings of the workshop will be published by IEEE CPS, IEEE Xplore and IEEE Computer Society digital libraries (CSDL) and indexed through IEE INSPEC, EI (Compendex), Thomson ISI, and other indexing services&#046;<br>A list of topics for paper submissions to this workshop are mentioned below&#046; Authors are encouraged to submit position papers, surveys, experiments &amp; results and deployments&#046;<br>&#8211; Communication System and Architecture for Internet of Things<br>&#8211; Next&#8211;Generation Internet Protocol (IPv6)<br>&#8211; Experiences with Open source Platforms and hardware within IoT context ( Arduino, Raspeberry Pi)<br>&#8211; Physical Computing Concepts<br>&#8211; Novel concepts such as Crowd&#8211;sourcing for Smart City Applications<br>&#8211; Techniques in smart and efficient processing of the “Big Data”, Cloud applications<br>&#8211; Technologies to facilitate smart and secure communication including trust and privacy<br>&#8211; Smart Applications for Health&#8211;Care<br>&#8211; Smart Applications for Energy&#8211;efficient and sustainable living<br>&#8211; Smart Applications for Education<br>&#8211; Smart Applications for Transportation<br>&#8211; Smart Applications related to urbanization<br>&#8211; Smart Applications for automation and manufacturing<br></p>