Deadline Paper
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iWOAR is an international workshop with conference character, which takes place at the Baltic Sea in the north of Germany&#046;<br>The workshop focuses on human activity recognition and interaction with wearable sensors and related technologies&#046;<br>This year we invite the workshop participants to contribute for a Science Track and/or for an Industrial Track&#046; All submissions must follow the ACM SIGCHI Templates&#046; Accepted submissions will be published online in the iWOAR 2015 Proceedings at the ACM Digital Library&#046;<br>We invite submissions, which target (but are not limited to) the following topics and applications:<br>Topics:<br>&#8211; Human Activity Recognition<br>&#8211; Human Performance Measuring<br>&#8211; Interaction Techniques<br>&#8211; Intelligent User Interfaces<br>&#8211; Input &amp; Output modalities<br>&#8211; Wearable Computing<br>&#8211; Context Awareness<br>&#8211; Data Classification<br>&#8211; Feature Extraction<br>&#8211; Signal Reconstruction and Interpolation<br>Application Fields<br>&#8211; Quantified Self<br>&#8211; Assisted Production<br>&#8211; Maintenance and Service<br>&#8211; Lifestyle &amp; Behavior Change<br>&#8211; Occupational Health, Health Care and Wellness<br>&#8211; Alternative Control of Everyday Life&#8242;s Products<br>