Chengdu, Sichuan
Deadline Paper
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End Date

The conference is to establish an international forum for engineers and scientists to present their excellent ideas, latest innovations and experiences on Internet of Vehicles&#046; IOV 2015 welcomes paper submissions on innovative work from researchers in academia, industry and government describing original research work, sharing the experience and insights, forecast the trends and opportunities, and discuss the policy, economics and social implications&#046;<br>Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:<br>Vehicle Behavior Model and Environment Awareness&#046;<br>Cooperative Driving, Intelligent and Autonomous Vehicles&#046;<br>Telematics, Wireless Communication Networks for IOV&#046;<br>Services and applications of IOV&#046;<br>Complex systems and systems&#8211;of&#8211;systems for IOV&#046;<br>Theory, technology, methodology, tools and applications for IOV&#046;<br>Wireless Communications and Vehicular Networking&#046;<br>Mobile Internet, Mobility Internet and Internet of Things&#046;<br>Transportation and Connected Vehicles&#046;<br>Geographic, Spatial and Social Information Systems&#046;<br>Practices, Recommendations and Standards in Connected Vehicles&#046;<br>Policy, Economics and Social Implications&#046;<br>Cooperative Driving, Intelligent and Autonomous Vehicles&#046;<br>Automotive Electronics and Automatic Control&#046;<br>Computational modeling and methodology for Intelligent Mobility Cases/Studies&#046;<br>Network Architecture for IOV&#046;<br>Automotive Electronics and Automatic Control for IOV&#046;<br>Swarm Intelligent Computing in IOV&#046; Network and Information Services in IOV&#046;<br>Social Economics for Vehicle Platforms&#046;<br>IOV for Intelligent Transportation and Wisdom City&#046;<br>Social Network for IOV&#046; Modeling and Simulation for IOV&#046;<br>Cloud computing for IOV&#046;<br>BigData for IOV&#046;<br>Applications and Standards of IOV&#046;<br>