Kota Samarahan
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<p align="JUSTIFY"><strong><font face="tahoma, arial, helvetica, sans&#8211;serif"><font size="3">The past few decades have witnessed rapid advances in sophisticated circuits, algorithms and systems to tackle many difficult problems and the hardware/software platforms to realize these solutions in physical form&#046; Many of these solutions have been in the form of portable, embedded or wearable devices and systems while others have been distributed, decentralized and massively networked&#046; Systems on Chip (SoC) technology embodies and symbolizes much of these advances&#046; A SoC system comprises of several cooperating, interacting, potentially heterogeneous hardware/firmware/software sub&#8211;systems&#046; ISED (Int’l Symposium on Electronic System Design) strives to spur and share, examine and accelerate innovations and studies in a range of related areas, including but not limited to the following:</font></font></strong></p> <ul type="DISC"><p style="margin&#8211;bottom: 0cm" align="JUSTIFY"><font face="tahoma, arial, helvetica, sans&#8211;serif"><font size="3">Design and test of low&#8211;power, energy&#8211;optimized and high&#8211;performance devices &amp; circuits</font></font> </p><ul type="CIRCLE"><p style="margin&#8211;bottom: 0cm; border: none; padding: 0cm" align="JUSTIFY"> <font face="tahoma, arial, helvetica, sans&#8211;serif"><font size="3"><span lang="en&#8211;GB">RF front ends including compact high gain antennas and analog/mixed mode circuits</span></font></font> </p><p style="margin&#8211;bottom: 0cm; border: none; padding: 0cm" align="JUSTIFY"> <font face="tahoma, arial, helvetica, sans&#8211;serif"><font size="3"><span lang="en&#8211;GB">Digital circuits which perform the functions of system communication, computation and control</span></font></font> </p></ul><p style="margin&#8211;bottom: 0cm" align="JUSTIFY"><font face="tahoma, arial, helvetica, sans&#8211;serif"><font size="3">Power management systems which include smart batteries and new energy storage systems</font></font> </p><p style="margin&#8211;bottom: 0cm; border: none; padding: 0cm" align="JUSTIFY"> <font face="tahoma, arial, helvetica, sans&#8211;serif"><font size="3"><span lang="en&#8211;GB">System and application software without which these systems cannot function to their potential</span></font></font> </p><p align="JUSTIFY"><font face="tahoma, arial, helvetica, sans&#8211;serif"><font size="3">Applications of system design to Healthcare &amp; Bioengineering, Internet&#8211;of&#8211;Things (IoT), Security, Smart Energy, Microfluidics, and Multiscale Networks</font></font> </p></ul> <p><br></p>