Deadline Paper
Start Date
End Date

<p>IASDR2015 is looking for papers which offer original research and application across all domains of design: architecture, planning, industrial design, engineering design, software, interaction design, fashion and media design&#046; The papers should demonstrate collaborative research and/or application with science or technology or the arts&#046; Papers should be 3000–5000 words excluding abstracts and references and comply with IASDR 2015 guidelines&#046; Submissions must be in English and submitted through the online submission system&#046;</p> <p>Citations, quotations and references must follow conference style guidelines, which are based on APA standard&#046;</p> <p>Papers must be submitted in in &#046;pdf format which can be generated from a Word file using the layout and style conventions in the <a href="http://iasdr2015&#046;com/wp&#8211;content/uploads/2014/06/IASDR2015_PaperTemplate&#046;docx" target="_blank">IASDR 2015 template</a>&#046; Attention should be paid to heading styles and high quality of images&#046;</p> <p>The IASDR 2015 Proceedings will be published in digital form&#046; This will give an opportunity to the authors to include good quality colour images in their documents, or other media that help to explain the research&#046; In case non text media are used they should be explained in the text&#046;</p>