<p style="margin–bottom: 0cm">This is your opportunity to present your latest renewable energy research and results to an audience of like–minded specialists. With over 200 international experts expected to attend, you should ensure you don’t miss out!<br>Benefits of submitting an abstract<br>All abstracts will be peer–reviewed, and selected authors receive a comprehensive suite of benefits, including:<br>– An oral or poster presentation slot in the conference programme<br>– Your paper published by the IET in the conference proceedings<br>– Indexed on IET Inspec and submitted to IEEE Xplore<br>– A preferential registration rate<br>– Presentations may be filmed for publication on IET.tv, extending the visibility of your work beyond the conference itself<br>Authors of the best papers may be invited to submit an extended version of their paper for consideration to the IET’s Renewable Power Generation Journal.<br>Technical scope<br>Abstracts are invited around the following key conference themes:<br>– Wind technology<br>– PV systems technology<br>– Power systems integration issues<br>– Other renewable energy sources<br>– Technology, policy and market options </p><br>
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