Gold Coast
Deadline Paper
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Authors are invited to submit papers describing original, unpublished<br>research results, case studies and tools&#046; Papers are solicited in all<br>areas related to complex computer&#8211;based systems, including causes of<br>complexity and means of measuring, avoiding, controlling, or coping with<br>complexity&#046; Topic areas include, but are not limited to:<br>* Requirement specification and analysis<br>* Verification and validation<br>* Security and privacy of complex systems<br>* Model&#8211;driven development<br>* Reverse engineering and refactoring<br>* Software architecture<br>* Big data management<br>* Ambient intelligence, pervasive computing<br>* Ubiquitous computing, context awareness, sensor networks<br>* Design by contract<br>* Agile methods<br>* Safety&#8211;critical &amp; fault&#8211;tolerant architectures<br>* Adaptive, self&#8211;managing and multi&#8211;agent systems<br>* Real&#8211;time, hybrid and embedded systems<br>* Systems of systems<br>* Cyber&#8211;physical systems and Internet of Things (IoT)<br>* Tools and tool integration<br>* Past reflections and future outlooks<br>* Industrial case studies<br>