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<p><font color="#14407a"><font size="2"><font style="font&#8211;size: 8pt" size="1">The 26th annual International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE 2015) is focused on innovative techniques and tools for assessing, predicting, and improving the reliability, safety, and security of software products&#046; ISSRE also emphasizes industrial relevance, rigorous empirical studies and experience reports on existing software systems&#046; Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:</font></font></font></p> <ul><p style="margin&#8211;bottom: 0cm">Reliability, availability, and safety of software systems </p><p style="margin&#8211;bottom: 0cm">Verification and validation </p><p style="margin&#8211;bottom: 0cm">Software quality </p><p style="margin&#8211;bottom: 0cm">Software security </p><p style="margin&#8211;bottom: 0cm">Dependability, fault tolerance, survivability, and resilience of software systems </p><p style="margin&#8211;bottom: 0cm">Systems (hardware + software) reliability engineering </p><p style="margin&#8211;bottom: 0cm">Services reliability engineering (cloud services, problem reporting services, etc&#046;) </p><p style="margin&#8211;bottom: 0cm">Engineering reliable adaptive, self&#8211;aware and self&#8211;* systems </p><p style="margin&#8211;bottom: 0cm">Metrics and measurements, estimation, prediction of quality/reliability </p><p style="margin&#8211;bottom: 0cm">Supporting tools and automation </p><p style="margin&#8211;bottom: 0cm">Industry best practices </p><p>Software at large scales and software on small devices&#046; </p></ul> <p style="margin&#8211;bottom: 0cm"><br></p><br>