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I would like to invite you to submit papers to the Seventh International Symposium on Applications of Ad hoc and Sensor Networks (AASNET&#8242;15), https://sites&#046;google&#046;com/site/aasnet2015/Home, which be held in conjunction with the 6th International Conference on Emerging Ubiquitous Systems and Pervasive Networks (EUSPN&#8211;2015) in Berlin, Germany on September 27&#8211;30, 2015&#046;<br>Wireless mobile ad hoc and sensor network nodes have limited battery capacity&#046; Hence, they tend to be energy conservative&#046; Many MAC, routing protocols, scheduling scheme were proposed to promote energy conservation without degrading the performance of the network&#046; Nonetheless, nowadays, many real&#8211;time applications have been proposed and developed using ad hoc and sensor networks&#046;<br>The aim of this symposium is to provide a forum for academic and industry professionals to discuss recent progress and challenges in the area of real time applications in ad hoc and sensor networks&#046; We encourage contributions that describe innovative work and results on AASNET&#046; The topics of interest include but are not limited to:<br>Energy&#8211;aware routing protocols<br>Energy&#8211;aware scheduling techniques<br>Energy&#8211;aware MAC protocols<br>Artificial intelligence applications in ad hoc and sensor networks<br>Sensor networks for oil and gas industry<br>Mobility tracking schemes in ad hoc networks<br>Voice over ad hoc networks<br>Multimedia over sensor networks<br>Machine leaning schemes for ad hoc and sensor networks<br>Intrusion detection systems in ad hoc and sensor networks<br>Telehealth monitoring system using ad hoc and sensor networks<br>