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The International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks<br>(EWSN) is a highly selective single&#8211;track international conference<br>focussing on premier research results at the intersection of embedded<br>systems and wireless networking &#8211; an area of highest relevance for<br>visionary technologies such as the Internet of Things or<br>Cyber&#8211;Physical Systems and application domains such as Smart<br>Production, Smart Cities, or Connected Cars&#046;<br>The featured topic of the 2016 edition of EWSN is "Dependability" and<br>we specifically welcome contributions that aim at making networked<br>embedded systems more reliable, predictable, safe, and secure in order<br>to enable critical applications that require guaranteed performance&#046;<br>EWSN 2016 will also host a competition on dependability as well as<br>workshops in emerging areas, one of these workshops will focus on<br>novel embedded communication paradigms&#046;<br>The conference has applied for sponsorship and publication of the<br>proceedings by a major society, details will be announced in due time<br>after the application has been accepted&#046;<br>EWSN has been established in 2004 as the European Conference on<br>Wireless Sensor Networks and has been held since then in European<br>cities&#046; For the 2016 edition, the scope still includes Wireless Sensor<br>Networks, but has been broadened to all topics at the intersection of<br>embedded systems and wireless networks&#046;<br>