The EuroSys conference series brings together professionals from academia and industry. It has a strong focus on systems research and development: operating systems, data base systems, real–time systems and middleware for networked, distributed, parallel, or embedded computing systems. EuroSys has become a premier forum for discussing various issues of systems software research and development, including implications related to hardware and applications.<br>EuroSys’16 will follow the pattern established by the previous EuroSys conferences, by seeking papers on all aspects of computer systems. EuroSys’16 will also include a number of workshops to allow junior and senior members of the systems community to explore leading–edge topics and ideas before they are presented at a conference.<br>Call for papers<br>The European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys) is a premier international forum for presenting computer systems research, broadly construed. EuroSys 2016 seeks papers on all areas of computer systems research, including, but not limited to:<br>Big data analytics frameworks<br>Cloud computing and data center systems<br>Database systems<br>Dependable systems<br>Distributed systems<br>File and storage systems<br>Language support and runtime systems<br>Mobile and pervasive systems<br>Networked systems<br>Operating systems<br>Parallelism, concurrency, and multicore systems<br>Real–time, embedded, and cyber–physical systems<br>Secure systems, privacy and anonymity preserving systems<br>Tracing, analysis, and transformation of systems<br>Virtualization systems<br>
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