CETDM2015 intends to be a global forum for researchers and engineers to present and discuss recent innovations and new techniques related to electronics technology and data mining.<br>Authors are invited to submit papersã€special sessions and posters through EASYCHAIR submission system or email. Submissions must be original and should have not been published previously.<br>Note: An oral presentation will be given at the Conference for each accepted paper. No–shows will result in the exclusion of the papers from the Conference Proceedings.<br>It is the occasion for faculty members, students and guests to share and discuss the results of their research and plans for the future development. We are looking forward to meeting you in Hong Kong, China. And we invite you to join us sincerely.<br>Call for Papers<br>1.Electronic Technology<br>2.Electrical engineering and Electrical supply<br>3.Data Mining Foundations<br>4.Mining in Emerging Domains<br>Call for Special Session<br>Special sessions should be comprised of 5~8 invited papers. It is encouraged that the session begins with an overview paper on the topic being addressed and remaining papers follow up with technical contributions on the topic.<br>The following information should be included in the proposal:<br>1.Title of the proposed special session.<br>2.Names/affiliation of organizers (including brief bio and contact info).<br>3.Session abstract (state significance of topic and rationale for proposed session)<br>4.List of invited presenters, tentative titles and abstracts for each paper<br>
Hong Kong
Start Date
End Date