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ICS is the premier international forum for the presentation of research results in high&#8211;performance computing systems and supercomputing&#046; In 2016, the conference will be held in the city where two continents meet, Istanbul, Turkey&#046;<br>Papers are solicited on all aspects of research, development, implementation, use, and application of high&#8211;performance computing systems, including but not limited to the following:<br>Computer architecture and hardware, including multicore, manycore and multiprocessor systems, accelerators, memory systems, on&#8211;chip and chip&#8211;to&#8211;chip interconnection networks, FPGA&#8211;based systems, heterogeneous systems, and storage architectures;<br>Programming models for high&#8211;performance computing and supercomputing, including new paradigms, languages, debuggers and performance evaluation tools, as well as domain&#8211;specific language/programming support;<br>Static and dynamic compilation support for high&#8211;performance computing including polyhedral models and auto&#8211;tuning tools;<br>Runtime and system software support for high&#8211;performance computing as well as interface design between programming languages, compilers and system software;<br>Power/energy management in high&#8211;performance computing, including measurement, distribution, and optimization aspects;<br>Workload characterization and computationally&#8211;challenging scientific and commercial applications, particularly studies and experiences on large&#8211;scale systems;<br>Big data analytics and cross&#8211;cutting issues between high&#8211;performance computing and database management systems;<br>Parallel and distributed file system design, with an emphasis on systems targeting nonvolatile storage;<br>Data structure and algorithm design for high&#8211;performance computing applications, and visualization systems;<br>Experimental studies of real systems, including case studies to guide the design of future systems and solutions for efficiently scaling power, performance, reliability and sustainability&#046;<br>