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The symposium is the first conference on VLSI and Embedded System in Astana, Kazakhstan, organised by IET chapter, Career and Advising Centre, and Bioinspired Microelectronic Systems Group, School of Engineering, Nazarbayev University&#046; There are two main tracks planned in the area of (1) VLSI and (2) Embedded Systems with thematic focus on technologies and applications relating to artificial intelligence, imaging, cybernetics, intelligent systems and machine learning&#046; There are no registration fee for participation&#046; The symposium consists of Keynotes, Industry talks, and Panel discussion, along with research paper presentations&#046; Well written abstracts and papers are invited to any of these tracks but not limited to the topics mentioned within the tracks as listed below:<br>Track : VLSI<br>Technologies<br>ESL, System&#8211;level design methodology, Multicore systems, Processor and memory design, Concurrent interconnect, Networks&#8211;on&#8211;chip, Defect tolerant architectures<br>Analog Mixed Signal IP; High&#8211;Speed interfaces; SDR and wireless; Low&#8211;power Analog and RF; Effective use of Spectrum; Memory Design, Standard Cell Design<br>Low&#8211;power design, micro&#8211;architectural techniques, thermal estimation and optimization, power estimation methodologies, and CAD tools<br>New Devices and architectures; Low power devices; Modeling and Simulation; Multi&#8211;domain simulation; Numerical methods; Device/circuit level variability models; Reliability simulation<br>Post&#8211;CMOS devices; Biomedical circuits, Carbon Nano&#8211;tubes based computing<br>Applications<br>VLSI implementations in cybernetics hardware, encryption technologies and hardware security<br>Signal Processing and Image processing circuits and systems; VLSI implementations in sensory sensing<br>Neuromorphic circuits and chips; Cognitive and reprogrammable architectures; Bioinspired circuits for systems applications<br>Networks on chip for large data processing; Online learning hardware; Hardware as a service;<br>Applications to communications networks, technologies; application chips in power systems and drives; bioinspired circuits and systems; application chips in robotics and industrial automation<br>Pedagogical issues and methods in teaching and learning VLSI<br>Track : Embedded Systems<br>Technologies<br>Hardware/Software co&#8211;design &amp; verification; Reconfigurable computing; Embedded multi&#8211;cores SOC and systems; Embedded software including Operating Systems, Firmware, Middleware, Communication, Virtualization, Encryption, Compression, Security, Reliability; Hybrid systems&#8211;on&#8211;chip;<br>Component modeling &amp; component&#8211;based development methodologies; hardware&#8211;software co&#8211;design, co&#8211;design methodologies, design exploration tools;<br>Compilation and managed runtime environments for embedded systems; Profiling, measurement, analysis techniques for embedded applications;<br>Programming languages and software engineering for embedded or real&#8211;time applications;<br>Applications<br>Embedded sensor networks and embedded control systems: design, analysis and application to cyber&#8211;physical systems;<br>Embedded systems security and cyber security;<br>Embedded systems and algorithms in robotics, bioinspired systems, and cybernetics<br>Applications of embedded systems and software in military, avionics, and automotive: case studies, applications of new methodologies and tools to applications with increased system heterogeneity and scale&#046;<br>Applications to communication systems, automation systems, power distribution systems, robotics and various industrial control systems&#046;<br>Pedagogical issues and methods in teaching and learning Embedded Systems<br>