The conference attempts to create a forum bringing together academic researchers and professionals to jointly explore in the fascinating area of Mobile Computing, Health Care and other Applications, and Convergence of Wireless Sensors and Cloud Computing technologies. The conference is poised to include high–quality contributed papers revealing the latest in several facets of wireless, mobile and cloud computing research, to demonstrate exciting health care and other applications and services from renowned industry houses, and to engage participants in world class tutorials.<br>AIMoC 2016 will be held at the Jadavpur University , Kolkata, India, from February 11, 2016 – February 13, 2016. The conference will include a highly selective technical program consisting of submitted papers, a small set of invited papers on important and timely topics from well–known leaders in the field.<br>Authors are invited to submit full papers presenting new research work related to the recent applications of mobile computing. All submissions must describe original results that are not published.<br>Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to:<br>Cloud computing<br>Cross–layer optimization of wireless systems<br>Machine learning for network applications<br>Mobility and location management<br>Security, Trust and Privacy in network and cloud environment<br>Mobile Social Networking<br>Content Distribution<br>Mobile network traffic engineering, performance, and optimization<br>Distributed systems aspects of mobile computing<br>Transaction processing in mobile environments<br>Energy efficiency in mobile systems<br>Approaches, and technologies for dealing with big data in mobile computing<br>Integration of cloud computing and wireless computing<br>Mobile services usage data analysis and pattern recognition<br>Regulatory, societal, legal, and ethical issues of mobile and cloud computing<br>Provisioning of mobile services<br>Resource provisioning in cloud<br>Personalization and context awareness in mobile computing<br>Body Area Networks<br>Cloud composition, orchestration, federation<br>Mobile multimedia services and applications<br>Mobile software engineering and management<br>Healthcare applications using handheld devices<br>Innovative applications and experiences in Cloud Computing for Health care and Emerging Markets<br>
Deadline Paper
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