Deadline Paper
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<p>The ISC research paper sessions provide first&#8211;class open forums for engineers and scientists in academia, industry and government to present and discuss issues, trends and results that will shape the future of high performance computing&#046;</p> ISC is now calling for excellent contributions in all HPC&#8211;related fields, such as computer architecture, algorithms, performance analysis, storage, extreme parallelism and software engineering&#046; Submitted work will be reviewed by the <strong><a title="ISC Committees" href="http://www&#046;isc&#8211;hpc&#046;com/isc&#8211;committees&#046;html">… 2016 Research Papers Committee</a></strong>, which is headed by <strong>Prof&#046; Jack Dongarra</strong>, University of Tennessee &amp; ORNL, and <strong>Dr&#046; Pavan Balaji</strong>, Argonne National Laboratory&#046;<br>We encourage the submission of high&#8211;quality papers reporting original work in theoretical, experimental and industrial research and development in the following areas:<br>Architectures Future design concepts of HPC systems<br>Multicore/manycore systems<br>Heterogeneous systems<br>Network technology<br>Programming models<br>Storage &amp; Data<br>From big data to smart data<br>Memory systems for HPC &amp; big data<br>File systems &amp; tape libraries<br>Data intensive applications<br>Databases<br>Algorithms &amp; Analysis<br>Scalability on future architectures<br>Performance evaluation &amp; tuning<br>Innovative domain&#8211;specific algorithms<br>Software Engineering in HPC<br>The art of parallel programming<br>Application of methods<br>Surveys<br>Large Scale Simulations<br>Workflow management<br>Data analysis &amp; visualization<br>Coupled simulations<br>Industrial simulations<br>Scalable Applications: 50k+<br>Data Centers<br>Batch job management<br>Job mix &amp; system utilization<br>Monitoring &amp; administration tools<br>Production efficiency<br>Energy efficiency<br>Future Trends<br>Trends in the HPC chip market<br>Exascale HPC<br>HPC in the cloud<br>