<p>The ISC research paper sessions provide first–class open forums for engineers and scientists in academia, industry and government to present and discuss issues, trends and results that will shape the future of high performance computing.</p> ISC is now calling for excellent contributions in all HPC–related fields, such as computer architecture, algorithms, performance analysis, storage, extreme parallelism and software engineering. Submitted work will be reviewed by the <strong><a title="ISC Committees" href="http://www.isc–hpc.com/isc–committees.html">… 2016 Research Papers Committee</a></strong>, which is headed by <strong>Prof. Jack Dongarra</strong>, University of Tennessee & ORNL, and <strong>Dr. Pavan Balaji</strong>, Argonne National Laboratory.<br>We encourage the submission of high–quality papers reporting original work in theoretical, experimental and industrial research and development in the following areas:<br>Architectures Future design concepts of HPC systems<br>Multicore/manycore systems<br>Heterogeneous systems<br>Network technology<br>Programming models<br>Storage & Data<br>From big data to smart data<br>Memory systems for HPC & big data<br>File systems & tape libraries<br>Data intensive applications<br>Databases<br>Algorithms & Analysis<br>Scalability on future architectures<br>Performance evaluation & tuning<br>Innovative domain–specific algorithms<br>Software Engineering in HPC<br>The art of parallel programming<br>Application of methods<br>Surveys<br>Large Scale Simulations<br>Workflow management<br>Data analysis & visualization<br>Coupled simulations<br>Industrial simulations<br>Scalable Applications: 50k+<br>Data Centers<br>Batch job management<br>Job mix & system utilization<br>Monitoring & administration tools<br>Production efficiency<br>Energy efficiency<br>Future Trends<br>Trends in the HPC chip market<br>Exascale HPC<br>HPC in the cloud<br>
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