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he purpose of the ICSOFT&#8211;EA 2016, the 11th International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications, is to bring together researchers, engineers and practitioners interested on information technology, with a practical focus on software engineering and applications&#046; The conference tracks are "Enterprise Software Technologies", "Software Engineering and Systems Security", "Distributed Systems", and "Software Project Management"&#046;<br>Software technologies are essential for developing any enterprise information system, encompassing a large number of research topics and applications: from programming issues to the more abstract theoretical aspects of software engineering; from software security to mobile applications; Distributed systems, ubiquity, software quality as well as project management and other related topics are included in the scope of ICSOFT&#8211;EA&#046;<br>CONFERENCE AREAS:<br>Each of these topic areas is expanded below but the sub&#8211;topics list is not exhaustive&#046; Papers may address one or more of the listed sub&#8211;topics, although authors should not feel limited by them&#046; Unlisted but related sub&#8211;topics are also acceptable, provided they fit in one of the following main topic areas:<br>1&#046; ENTERPRISE SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGIES<br>2&#046; SOFTWARE PROJECT MANAGEMENT<br>3&#046; SOFTWARE ENGINEERING METHODS AND TECHNIQUES<br>4&#046; DISTRIBUTED AND MOBILE SOFTWARE SYSTEMS<br>AREA 1: ENTERPRISE SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGIES<br>Business Process Modelling<br>IT Service Management<br>Interoperability and Service&#8211;Oriented Architecture<br>Business Intelligence and Big Data<br>Decision Support Systems<br>Intelligent Problem Solving<br>Virtual and Network Organizations<br>Trust, Security and Privacy<br>Business Process Coordination and Synchronization<br>AREA 2: SOFTWARE PROJECT MANAGEMENT<br>Project Management Software<br>Scheduling and Estimating<br>Software Metrics<br>Project Planning, Monitoring and Control<br>Agile Methodologies<br>Performance Evaluation<br>Risk Management<br>Quality Control and Assurance<br>Software Standards and Certification<br>AREA 3: SOFTWARE ENGINEERING METHODS AND TECHNIQUES<br>Requirements Elicitation and Specification<br>Software and Systems Integration<br>Software Testing and Maintenance<br>Model&#8211;driven Engineering<br>Software and Systems Quality<br>Software and Information Security<br>Service&#8211;oriented Software Engineering<br>Formal Methods<br>Programming Languages<br>Middleware Technologies<br>Human&#8211; Computer Interaction and Usability Engineering<br>AREA 4: DISTRIBUTED AND MOBILE SOFTWARE SYSTEMS<br>Distributed Architectures<br>Cloud Applications<br>Mobile Technologies and Applications<br>Ambient Intelligence and Digital Ecosystems<br>Agents and Multi&#8211;agent Systems<br>Communication Networks and Protocols<br>Parallel and High Performance Computing<br>