The purpose of the ICSOFT–PT 2016, the 11th International Conference on Software Paradigm Trends, is to bring together researchers, engineers and practitioners interested on information technology and software development. This edition will focus in priority on the four main paradigms that have been intensively studied during the last decade for software and system design, namely: Models, Aspects, Services and Context.<br>These four paradigms will drive the design and development of future software systems encompassing a large number of research topics and applications: from programming issues to the more abstract theoretical aspects of software engineering; from models and services to the most complex management information systems; Distributed systems, ubiquity, data interoperability; context understanding and many other topics are included in the scope of ICSOFT–PT.<br>CONFERENCE AREAS:<br>Each of these topic areas is expanded below but the sub–topics list is not exhaustive. Papers may address one or more of the listed sub–topics, although authors should not feel limited by them. Unlisted but related sub–topics are also acceptable, provided they fit in one of the following main topic areas:<br>1. MODELS<br>2. ASPECTS<br>3. SERVICES<br>4. CONTEXT<br>AREA 1: MODELS<br>Domain–Specific Languages<br>Metamodeling<br>Model Analysis and Checking<br>Model Transformation<br>Model Evolution<br>Model Execution and Simulation<br>Model Testing<br>Model Composition<br>Model Versioning<br>Model Tools<br>Modeling Languages<br>AREA 2: ASPECTS<br>Aspect Analysis and Design<br>Domain Engineering<br>Modularity with Aspects<br>Aspects Interference and Composition<br>Aspects Testing and Verification<br>Aspects Evaluation and Metrics<br>Advice/Pointcut Specification<br>Aspect Mining<br>AREA 3: SERVICES<br>Service Registration, Update, De–registration<br>Service Discovery, Selection and Replacement<br>Service Invocation, Interaction, Monitoring<br>Service Choreography, Mediation, Orchestration<br>SOC/SOA<br>Service Descriptions and Modelling<br>The Web of Services<br>Service Interoperability, Matching and Composition<br>Service Level Agreements<br>Service Pricing and Legal Agreements<br>Services Science<br>Ontology and Semantics for Services Computing<br>Security, Privacy and Trust for Service Interoperation<br>Service Networks<br>Cloud Computing Management<br>AREA 4: CONTEXT<br>Context–Aware Systems<br>Context Identification<br>Context Formalization<br>Context Representation<br>Context Analysis<br>Context Design<br>Context Sensitive Applications<br>Context Aggregation and Inference<br>
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