The purpose of SIGMAP 2016, the International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications, is to bring together researchers, engineers and practitioners interested on information systems and applications in the context of Signal Processing, including theory and practice in the field of telecommunications, image, video, audio, biometrics, etc., and Multimedia Applications related to representation, storage, authentication and communication of multimedia information.<br>The signal processing field, when combined with multimedia information encompasses a large number of research topics and emerging applications.<br>CONFERENCE AREAS<br>Each of these topic areas is expanded below but the sub–topics list is not exhaustive. Papers may address one or more of the listed sub–topics, although authors should not feel limited by them. Unlisted but related sub–topics are also acceptable, provided they fit in one of the following main topic areas:<br>1. MULTIMEDIA AND COMMUNICATIONS<br>2. MULTIMEDIA SIGNAL PROCESSING<br>3. MULTIMEDIA SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS<br>4. NEW RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENTS IN MULTIMEDIA<br>AREA 1: MULTIMEDIA AND COMMUNICATIONS<br>Digital Audio and Video Broadcasting<br>Interactive Multimedia: Games and Digital Television<br>Mobile Multimedia<br>Multimedia Devices<br>Multimedia Security and Cryptography<br>Performance Measurement and Evaluation, QoS<br>AREA 2: MULTIMEDIA SIGNAL PROCESSING<br>Biometrics and Pattern Recognition<br>Education in Signal Processing<br>Image and Video Processing, Compression and Segmentation<br>Multidimensional Signal Processing<br>Multimodal Signal Processing<br>Neural Networks, Spiking Systems, Genetic Algorithms and Fuzzy Logic<br>Perceptual/Human Audiovisual System Modeling<br>Sensors and Multimedia<br>AREA 3: MULTIMEDIA SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS<br>3D Virtual Environments and Surveillance Applications<br>Audio and Video Quality Assessment<br>Authentication and Watermarking<br>Biomedical Applications<br>Design and Implementation of Signal Processing Systems<br>Human–Machine Interface<br>Multimedia Databases, Indexing, Recognition and Retrieval<br>Semantic Analysis of Multimedia Data<br>AREA 4: NEW RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENTS IN MULTIMEDIA<br>Indexing of Large–Scale Multimedia Signals<br>Multimedia and Big Data<br>Multimedia and Cloud Computing<br>Multimedia Applications in Cloud Computing<br>Multimedia in Economics, Finance, Business Analytics<br>Multimedia Security and Privacy in Cloud computing and Social Networking<br>Multimedia Security, Forensic, Privacy for Big Data<br>Privacy‐preserving Multimedia Fusion and Analytics<br>Secure Multimedia Transmission<br>Secure Multi–party Computation for Big Multimedia<br>
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