Data Science is the extraction of knowledge from large volumes of data that are structured or unstructured, which is a continuation of the field data mining and predictive analytics. Nowadays, data science techniques affect research in cyberspace. Data science is an integral part of competitive intelligence, a newly emerging field that encompasses a number of activities, such as data mining and data analysis. Data science employs techniques and theories drawn from many fields within the broad areas of mathematics, statistics, information theory, and computer science, including signal processing, probability models, machine learning, statistical learning, data mining, database, data engineering, pattern recognition and learning, visualization, predictive analytics, uncertainty modeling, data warehousing, data compression, computer programming, and high performance computing. ICDSC will bring researchers and practitioners in the field of data science together. We are looking forward to seeing you in Changsha, China.<br>A certain number of student travel awards will be provided for student authors to attend the conference and present their work. The awards will include complementary registrations, conference banquets, and travel support. Details will be announced soon.<br>Conference Areas<br>1. Data science<br>2. Big Data<br>3. Data intensive applications in cyberspace<br>4. Data intensive systems<br>5. Social networks and social media<br>6. Data mining, knowledge discovery and machine learning<br>
Changsha, Hunan
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