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The interconnection and exchange of information is a basic requirement to enable Smart Cities&#046; Such an interconnection must be realized within each domain (vertically) as well as among different domains (horizontally)&#046; Typical domains cover energy, automotive, health, intelligent buildings, transportation, manufacturing as well as the military domain&#046; Therefore, horizontal and vertical information sharing within Smart Cities is essential and opens challenges for software developers&#046; Questions, such as which models, architectures, patterns and data structures need to be developed to enable and further improve the interconnection and digitization of Smart Cities need to be addressed&#046;<br>This workshop is a forum for authors to present their early research findings in the field of Cyber&#8211;Physical Systems in the context of Smart Cities&#046; The workshop aims at overviews, theoretical approaches, tools and frameworks, applications, system infrastructures and test beds for Cyber&#8211;Physical Systems&#046; The following list depicts the main fields of interest:<br>&#8211; Theoretical foundations of Cyber&#8211;Physical Systems<br>&#8211; Smart City applications<br>&#8211; Smart Environments<br>&#8211; Novel Industrial Applications of Cyber&#8211;Physical (Human) Systems<br>&#8211; Detailed Case Studies<br>&#8211; Infrastructure Applications for Smart Cities<br>&#8211; Security/Privacy<br>&#8211; Architecture and Modeling of Cyber&#8211;Physical Social Systems and Cyber&#8211;Physical Human Systems<br>&#8211; System Abstraction of Cyber&#8211;Physical Systems<br>