The main interest of ICITA 2016 is to gather national and international researchers working in the multiple areas of computer science, Information technology, embedded computing, distributed and intelligent systems.<br>The researchers are encouraged to submit their unpublished contributions that illustrate original research results or surveying works related to the areas of computer science and information technology.<br>ICITA′16 will present the Award of the Best Paper and the Best Presentation at the end.<br>All accepted and presented papers will be published in the conference proceeding, and revised versions of selected papers will be considered for publication in an international journal.<br>Topics relevant to the scope of the conference include (but are not restricted to):<br>Software engineering and Computational Intelligence<br>Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems<br>Bioinformatics<br>Data Mining and Big Data<br>Robotics and Embedded Systems<br>Network and Virtualization<br>Multimedia and Signal Processing<br>E–learning and Educational technology<br>
Deadline Paper
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