Deadline Paper
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End Date

The main interest of ICITA 2016 is to gather national and international researchers working in the multiple areas of computer science, Information technology, embedded computing, distributed and intelligent systems&#046;<br>The researchers are encouraged to submit their unpublished contributions that illustrate original research results or surveying works related to the areas of computer science and information technology&#046;<br>ICITA&#8242;16 will present the Award of the Best Paper and the Best Presentation at the end&#046;<br>All accepted and presented papers will be published in the conference proceeding, and revised versions of selected papers will be considered for publication in an international journal&#046;<br>Topics relevant to the scope of the conference include (but are not restricted to):<br>Software engineering and Computational Intelligence<br>Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems<br>Bioinformatics<br>Data Mining and Big Data<br>Robotics and Embedded Systems<br>Network and Virtualization<br>Multimedia and Signal Processing<br>E&#8211;learning and Educational technology<br>