HealthWear′16 will bring together researchers, developers, and industry professionals from both Healthcare and Quantified Self communities to discuss key issues, opportunities and obstacles for personal health data research. These include challenges of capturing, summarizing, presenting and retrieving relevant information from heterogeneous sources to support a new vision of pervasive personal healthcare.<br>Call for Tutorials<br>The conference now calls for tutorials focusing on practical topics related to wearables and healthcare. Current topics of interest as found in the HealthWear′16 CFP are:<br>– Personal Health Informatics<br>– Quantified Self for Healthcare<br>– Activity Monitors and Devices<br>– Self–Tracking<br>– Healthcare Knowledge Representation & Reasoning<br>– Health Data acquisition, analysis and mining<br>– Healthcare Information Systems<br>– Validity, reliability, usability, and effectiveness of Self–Tracking devices<br>– Experiment Design<br>– Social and Psychological investigation into Self–Tracking practices<br>– Health Monitoring in clinical and lifestyle environments<br>– Sensors and actuators for Wellness, Fitness and Rehabilitation<br>– Innovative Algorithms for assessment of long–term physiological and behavioural data<br>– Models for interpreting medical sensor data<br>– Lifelogging, lifecaching, lifestreaming<br>– Biometric data<br>– Medical Self–diagnostics<br>
Deadline Paper
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