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HealthWear&#8242;16 will bring together researchers, developers, and industry professionals from both Healthcare and Quantified Self communities to discuss key issues, opportunities and obstacles for personal health data research&#046; These include challenges of capturing, summarizing, presenting and retrieving relevant information from heterogeneous sources to support a new vision of pervasive personal healthcare&#046;<br>Call for Tutorials<br>The conference now calls for tutorials focusing on practical topics related to wearables and healthcare&#046; Current topics of interest as found in the HealthWear&#8242;16 CFP are:<br>&#8211; Personal Health Informatics<br>&#8211; Quantified Self for Healthcare<br>&#8211; Activity Monitors and Devices<br>&#8211; Self&#8211;Tracking<br>&#8211; Healthcare Knowledge Representation &amp; Reasoning<br>&#8211; Health Data acquisition, analysis and mining<br>&#8211; Healthcare Information Systems<br>&#8211; Validity, reliability, usability, and effectiveness of Self&#8211;Tracking devices<br>&#8211; Experiment Design<br>&#8211; Social and Psychological investigation into Self&#8211;Tracking practices<br>&#8211; Health Monitoring in clinical and lifestyle environments<br>&#8211; Sensors and actuators for Wellness, Fitness and Rehabilitation<br>&#8211; Innovative Algorithms for assessment of long&#8211;term physiological and behavioural data<br>&#8211; Models for interpreting medical sensor data<br>&#8211; Lifelogging, lifecaching, lifestreaming<br>&#8211; Biometric data<br>&#8211; Medical Self&#8211;diagnostics<br>